could it be love?(2 months later)

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(Kiran's pov)

I really need to be careful due to joker knowing my identity but thankfully bruce made me a kevlar armor backpack and I now have a hidden compartment in my bookbag that carries my suit now if anything happens and the bad thing is that since I know Jacky is the daughter of joker and Harley, it makes it harder because if he attacks he will always take hostages and he can't find out her identity and to make matters worse we have become so fucking close to the point I think I have fallen for her and since I've tried to look like a normal teenager, I joined the baseball team which is Gotham knights and that's pretty funny because if u think about it me and my family are the knights of this town and I'm part of the drama club which I just did that for fun.  But the day I hate the most is coming up and that is valentines day, the reason I hate valentines day is because of the couples they just sit there like oh we are so in love and all that shit, but there is a dance tomorrow and they want us to dress kinda fancy which makes no sense to me considering it not prom and I'm pushed out of my daze by jacky, who is just standing there with her hands on her hips and looking at me a little frustrated and it's mostly because I wasn't paying attention, She pushed me again"hello earth to Grayson, you just going to stare at the wall or you gonna talk to me" I rub the back of my neck and smile" sorry I just got lost in thought you know how I am always so much on my mind but little time". She leans in close to where we are inches away from each other's faces and she just smiles" I wish I could just look into your mind to see what you are always thinking of but for now I guess, I will just stare into your beautiful emerald eyes and hope I can catch a glimpse of what you think of" I just smile and look into her beautiful ocean eyes" well maybe if you ask nicely maybe I will tell you but no you rather use your brain to try and decipher me like a psychiatrist instead of just asking but I guess while you stare into my eyes I look into your beautiful eyes and try to figure why a girl like you wants to be by an idiot like me" she pushes my face away and I fall off of my chair and we just start to laugh our heads off to where everyone looks at us annoyed and she takes my seat. I smile at her and sit on the shelf that's by the window and I see her wanting to say something but then the bell rang and she put a note in my pocket while I gathered my stuff and when I turned around she was gone, so I pulled out the note and it read" Dear Wyatt please meet me on the rooftop, I have something to tell you and hope you won't freak out for what I tell you" reading that last part made me start to worry a little bit but I decided to shake the feeling off and face my fears but every step I took up the stairs my fear kept growing and growing, once I was at the door that leads to the rooftop I took a deep breath and opened the door. Jacky was sitting there with a box in her hands and was blushing a bit, I sat down next to her and I see Alfred looking around for me so I did our little secret whistle and he looked up to look at me and just smiled, I looked at jacky and just smiled"well what did u want to talk to me about Jacky is everything okay" she hands me the box and when I open it, it has different candies and there is a note that reads" hey it would be pretty sweet if u went to the dance with me and be my sour punch" I laugh while looking down and I smile" of course I will go to the dance with you I was gonna ask u inside of the classroom but u left so quick". She smiles and lunges at me and hugs me tight" I'm so glad you are coming to the dance with me since there were a lot of jealous girls after all I am so close to you" I laughed a little bit and looked into her eyes" So you only wanted to ask me because you wanted to make a few people jealous I'm a little hurt, I thought you wanted to go to the dance with me because I have a charm of being an idiot" she softly punches me and pulls away from the hug" Wyatt I..... I wanted to go to the dance with u because of your charm, I didn't want to get anybody jealous and I honestly thought you would be asked by somebody else because we don't talk much after school and I've seen some photos with you and a girl, and other pics you have with her and friends in it" I smile and I laugh a bit then I rub the back of my neck" those are just my friends Jacky don't need to be jealous, my dad and their parents used to work together and they became a family when my dad left Gotham to go to jump city where he met my mom".

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