10. Distraction

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Throughout the class Azalea was fuming with rage. Marvolo could feel his mate's anger through their link and could not help but wonder what happened at the Headmaster's office. But he is Dumbledore to you.

Azalea's friends were also a bit concerned for her. They could practically feel her magic trying to flare dangerously.

Draco looked at his cousin with a concerned face to see her giving a look that said 'I'll tell you guys later'. He gave a brief nod and concentrated on the class.

Soon enough the class ended. 'Lady Peverall please stay.' Azalea nodded and the rest went away.

Marvolo closed the door wandlessly as soon as the last student went away and came towards Azalea. He pulled up her chin making her look at him. "What happened there baby?" He looked concerned.

Marvolo hugged her tightly to which she immediately hugged back making all of her anger melt away. "They tried to resort me, telling me that I'm a Potter and I should be a Gryffindor." The way she spoke 'Potter' with so much venom that it made him shiver very lightly. But soon it replaced with the anger because of the Potters.

"Don't worry. We will soon take revenge." This made Azalea a bit better. "When do you have your next class?"

"I have two free periods now." Azalea looked a bit confused on seeing a mischievous glint in Marvolo's eyes with barely blanked lust. "Then it makes things more easier. I have seen how that Diggory boy looks at you. I don't think its clear to him that you belong to me." He said darkly making her shiver.

He took her to his chambers and Azalea spoke in a whisper. "Then show them that I belong to you."

All of the previous thoughts left Azalea's mind. She was heavily aroused and his scent made her go crazy. Both of their eyes flashed in desire. His body was tightly pressed against her.

In a matter of seconds his lips are on hers, capturing them in a hungry, almost animalistic kiss. Biting and sucking at her lips, leaving them swollen and bruised, he trails his tongue across her bottom lip applying the slightest pressure, demanding her to open up and allow him access. She complies, allowing his tongue into her mouth, his fighting against her own in a fierce battle for dominance, one that he isn't willing to loose. Seeing this she allows him full control of the mind blowing kiss.

Her hands are locked around the back of his neck, hands threading into his thick hair, tugging and pulling causing a low groan to escape his lips. He lowers his body slightly, reaching one arm around her thin waist, lifting her up, causing her long legs to tightly wrap around his torso. His other arm grabs onto one of her thighs trailing up her skirt to grab and squeeze her arse enticing a moan from her which only causes his already hard cock to thicken even more.

He takes long strides to the bed that sits in the centre of his chamber, placing her down carefully and crawling in a predatory way on top of her. Tom burrows his face into the crook of Azalea's neck, placing a few light kisses causing tingles to run through her entire body.

Not wanting to wait any longer, he takes her shirt in his hands and tears it from her body earning a surprised gasp from his lover which he doesn't pay attention to, too busy taking the sight of her black lacy bra. He couldn't help the groan that escaped from the back of his throat on seeing her like this. He proceeded to remove the rest of her uniform, leaving her in nothing but her underwear.

She reaches up to start unbuttoning his shirt, her knuckles grazing the skin beneath causing him to shudder slightly, in return bringing a slight smirk to her face. Once she reached the last button she brings her hands to his broad shoulders, sliding the shirt from him, revealing his perfectly sculptured torso. She pushes him to sit down on the bed so she can sit on his lap. Running her fingers down his chest, over the contours of his abs and reaching for his pants.

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