Chapter 1

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        I jumped tree-to-tree until I reached the end. Jumping down from the tree I turned around quickly. Scanning the area behind me, I knew that someone there. I started to step back as far as I could without falling into the trench. A fog started to roll in, so I grabbed my 'Sword of Flames'. "I know your out there" I said scanning the fog for any movement "But where and who am I..." the person said in an eco. I closed my eye's and allowed my Chakra to emit from my body to pin point the person. I opened my eye's quickly to the feel of my Chakra hitting a person about three feet Infront of me.

        Before I had time to react, the person was already directly Infront of me. I felt the sharp cold pain of a blade piercing my insides. My eyes widened as I slowly looked at the face. "Sas...Sasuke..." I said through the coughs of blood. He pulled out his blade and stepped back, I started wobbling back words, and then like air..... I lost my balance & fell of the cliff.......

        I opened my eyes quickly and the water that was levitating around me fell fast into the lake. I stood up and whipped my hair left and right, drying it from the lake water. "Ugh... He kill's me every time......No matter what Jutsu I use." I walked across the water.

         I grabbed a Kunai from my tools bag, closed my eyes, held the Kunai close to my chest, and began breathing in and out slowly. I focused my Chakra at a rock that was behind five trees. I opened my eyes quickly and threw the kunai.The kunai passed threw the trees like they were paper. I smiled " Great, lets just hope that the Kunai hit the rock. And is still in it.".

        I began walking past the five trees and looked at the rock. My eyes widened as I noticed the Kunai went threw the rock. Walking to the back of the rock I seen the kunai in the tree. "Wow! I'm becoming stronger than I thought". I smiled and put a mark above the Kunai that said ' 5th'. I began whistling while I walked back to my camp site. I wounder how Lady Kareta is doing. I'm fine thank you for asking. Oh Hi lady Kareta, I forgot that were connected now. Of course you did.  I grabbed wood from my bag and threw it in a spot surrounded by stones. I put a hand out and shot a small fire ball at it. I see Naruto hasn't stopped by yet, maybe he's bored with you? Oh be quiet you! I fell back onto the warm dirt and looked up at the Light blue sky, I reached my hand out. Where on Earth are you Sasuke? I clenched my hand. hoping somehow in someway he was doing the same........

        I heard a voice and slow opened my eye's. "Are you alive" Naruto said as he poked my cheek with a stick. "Yea" I said as I grabbed the stick from Naruto and broke it. I handed what was left of it back to Naruto. "there's your stick back"  I smiled and sat up stretching my arms. "Heh Heh, thanks" Naruto said as he threw it to the ground.

         "Hey, why aren't you wearing your orange jumpsuit?" I said turning to Naruto who was wearing a white tanktop and jeans. "Oh well I decided to wear cloth today. That jumpsuit as you say started to smell." Naruto said with his stupid smile he has that always seems warm. "Oh? so are you washing them or something?" I asked raising one eyebrow, His face went from happy to his forgot-about-that face. "Go on I'll met you at your place" I said while laughing. He turned around and started running. "How long has it been since last time I was at Konohagakure......" I felt a pain in my chest...

         I began walking the dirt path to Konohagakure when I seen this girl laying on the ground. I ran over to her "Are you ok, did you get hurt anywhere?" I asked her as I studied her body to see if anything was broken. "N-n-no...I'm...fine" the girl said as she started to sit up. "Oh? Then why were you laying on the ground?" I asked her still studying her body.

        The girl got red in the face "I Seen Naru..." she then fainted again. " Umm.. You saw Naruto??......o-o-oh...OH." I said as I caught her and started to laugh a little. So you have a big crush on Naruto, How nice. Are you jealous that she likes Naruto? No, I'm jealous that she can see the on she likes, even thought she faints when she see's him. It's cute. I smiled and threw her over my shoulder.

        "Lets just hope she doesn't die of a heart attack" I chuckled. I'm cheering you on even thought this is my first time meeting you...

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