Monkey King x asthmatic child!reader

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Asthma is a lung condition that can cause difficulty breathing, inhalers are basically a type of medication that goes directly into a person's lungs (better off searching it up if you don't know what it is). The reader is Monkey Kings child aged at 12 for this story.

As the waterfall came into view I could hear loud banging and crashing noises coming from the waterfalls direction, MK must be training again. I took a deep breath in and out, but oh boy was that a mistake as I had forgotten my inhaler for my pe class so my chest was already hurtling. I stood still for a second and leaned against one of the many trees on the island to regain my breathing. 

5 minutes pass

Suddenly the noises stopped, it was dead silent, now that had me worried. By this point I really needed to get to my room to get my inhaler I felt like I was being at choke hold by the air itself. 

So with the deafening silence and my tightened chest pains, I walked through the waterfall to see what made it so quiet. As the waterfall parted away to let me through, I witnessed my father and MK meditating. 

Without even opening his eyes wukong heard and felt your presence about to enter the house."Ya know y/n you can say hi before running off into the house, after all I am your dad" wukong spoke in a hushed tone to try and not disturb MK. 

"R-right sorry dad um hi, anyway I have to do some very important homework sO BYEEE" y/n said in quite the opposite tone to her father's as they got louder and louder towards the end of there sentence, panicking that there father would find out and get mad that they forgot to bring there inhaler to class.

Slamming the door shut, y/n was internally screaming on the inside not just because of the pain and difficulty to breathe but also the fact they had just lied to there father...there was no reason for y/n to lie to him nor any excuse for y/n to panic. 

There was no excuse. There was no reason for my actions, I just did them why?


*SLAM! BANG!*                                                                                                                                                                 "m-monkey king, helooo, earth to monkey King, MONKEY KING SNAP OUT OF IT!" MK shouted at the Monkey King. Monkey Kings head snapped back to face MK. MK's face was now filled with worry as Monkey King gave him a gentle smile to reassure him of any worry.

"Bud what's wrong you seem worried, is it because of how suspicious y/n acted or are you worried about this meditation stuff... *sigh* look you'll get there eventually but you can't rush this stuff bud things take time and patience. Why don't you keep practicing while I check on y/n?" Monkey King spoke, calmly in a comforting manner.

MK nods his head as a sign of continuation of his meditation practice. 

Just as Wukong was just about to open the door, one of several of his loyal monkey subjects came up to him, then there were two, then three, then four, then five, then six and lastly all several monkeys were stood there trying to communicate with him, whilst trying to drag him to y/ns room at the same time. Monkey King managed to shut the door behind him ,giving MK one last glimpse to make sure he was ok, before fully shutting the door.

Now confused and concerned he crouched down to his subjects level to see if he could try and understand what they were saying to him (he's not Good at monkey language or thats my hc at least I mean he knows some just not all). The monkey that approached him First whispered into his ear "y/n  panic   asthma    help  advice?". 

Back with y/n

As I opened my bedroom door I saw several monkeys in my room but that didn't bother me what bothered me was my chest. Right. My inhaler is in my top draw next to my bed. As I opened my draw I saw my purple inhaler, I swiftly grabbed it and took a few puffs. 

But nothing came out of my inhaler it was empty...

The pain in my chest was unbearable as my breathing fastened with each breath but no air came in. Dread and fear was what I felt next along with my body shaking from the lack of oxygen. I looked at where the monkeys were previously laid or sat but they were gone. Now I am really panicking everything is just spinning in my head tears streaming down my face choking on my own air, how patheti-

"Y/N!, y/n it's me! I'm coming in I hope thats ok!" Your father called out to you. He came bursting through your bedroom door and had another inhaler in hand but this one was full as he helped you take it. After that you just burst into tears, as your father hugged you and rubbed gentle circles on your back to help calm you down.

 Eventually y/n fell asleep ,safe in there father's arms exhausted from all the panic and pain they just went through.

Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please leave requests for more chapters if you would like and with that byeeee.

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