Chapter 12 : Back To Reality

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After waking up they just followed their usual routine.

They both were in search of food.

They collected all the known fruits, and suddenly Clara's legs refused to support her and she lost her balance.

"Are you ok?" Kyle asked worriedly.

"Maybe?, I have a little headache ."

"I think you, should take some rest"

"No, I am fine-

"Shhh," he kept his finger on her lips.

He carried her in his arms and put her near the shelter. She closed her eyes.

He leaned forward gently.

And whispered in her ears

"How long are you gonna sleep"

"Wait, what?" She was baffled.

"Wake up Clara, you're gonna be late"

His voice started to fade and she started to hear a familiar female voice.

"Wake up Clara"

"Mom?" Clara whispered while her eyes closed.

"Yes, who else would it be? Get off your bed quickly now."

Clara slowly opened her eyes, everything was blurry.

As she got up, She saw her Mom right in front of her, she was on her bed.

"MOM?" she cried out loud.

"What happened, dear? Did you have a bad dream?"
"Also, did you overdose on your sleeping pills again? You have been sleeping for almost 15hrs!"

"Whe- Where's the island? Where's Kyle?"

"Island? Kyle who? You must have had a nightmare, are you ok?"

"The high school camp? Am I real? Is this a dream? What's going on??"

"Oh! About the high school camp next week? Sorry dear, you will have to cancel it, we got the tickets. We are going to your grandma's house." her mom spoke.

"So, you had a dream about the Camp? "

"NO, It was much more than a camp! Don't say that was a dream! I mean I am happy if it's a dream! I am just so confused. I can't believe it's you, Mom!!"
Clara burst into tears.

"Oh dear!", Mom said while wiping her tears.

"How long I have been sleeping?" she murmured.

"Well, you slept just after you came from school yesterday, remember after handing me the pamphlet?
I tried to wake you up for dinner, but you seemed too exhausted."

"I still can't believe this! What time is it now?"

"It's 7 am?"

"I have to go to school! I wanna meet my friends!"

"You don't have to go to school sweetie! I can't let you go in this condition"

"Don't worry Mom, I am ok, Please let me go to school! Please!!! She cried.

" Fine, but are you really ok?"

"Yes Mom"


"So It was a dream?
All of it was a dream!? This can't be true!"

Did I overdose on my pills? I think I took 2 pills and then I-

Ughh I can't remember anything that happened yesterday! I can't believe it was yesterday! It feels like I haven't been with anyone except Kyle for a month! All of this is too perplexing!!"

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