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Hi Ho Hello

Sometimes I think back to the good old days when I wasn't suicidal and wrote cringe fanfiction for the sake of it without fear of judgement (even tho I did get judged a lot and it left me scarred lmao). Wattpad, despite being the worst fucking app I ever had the displeasure of downloading, still holds memories that are very near and dear to my heart, so I decided that, since there isn't much I can do with this account anyways, I should start using it again so it isn't just dusting here aside from the occasional message board posts.

Now, I have no idea how long this phase will last or if I will even post regularly, but I'll try to put some art here and there and hopefully work a little on my emotional state (or rather lack there of).

I am currently interested in SCP, but maybe I'll draw other things too. I don't know. I also do commissions though if anyone is interested *cough*

Honestly, this is just gonna be an attempt at working on my mental health. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. I don't know. But enjoy I guess :>

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