Wish he was mine

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Hi I'm Sam, this is my first story and I hope you like it
Zack's POV
I stared at him all day and all night and I'm still doing it now. He'll probably never love me back, it's all pointless. "I hate this" I said under my breath.

What I feel hurts so much yet it feels so good at the same time. Love had always confused me since it's usually a human emotion. Although I guess angels can feel traditionally human things just not that well.

I usually spend my free time watching Travis but later today I'm going to go out and get ice cream. I trust him enough to be away from him for a while but still I'm concerned.

"What if something happens"

The authors note at the end of the story
Sorry this is such a short chapter but I started this after school and it's 8:28 right now so I'm a bit tired.🥱
I hope you have a wonderful day/night
174 words

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