Why me?

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Sorry I didn't post this sooner but I was a little busy because I was hanging out with one of my friends
Travis's POV
It's been a pretty rough day so far and I don't think it'll change much. "Jesus fvcking christ why did this sh!t have to happen to me?!" I groan loudly. I have a splitting headache so painful I actually thought of calling 911. Ok well maybe I did but that's not the point, the point is I may die and I need help.

All I have to do is wait for the ambulance to show up. Although I don't think I can wait for much longer but it's all I can do for the time being. I wish there was something I could do to help but I've tried everything already and nothing has worked.

"Oh sh!t they're here."  I say hopefully, knowing that they might be able to help. "Hey! Help I'm over here." I call as loud as I possibly can.

"Sir what's wrong tell me what happened"
A lady with long blonde hair says to me as she leads me to the ambulance. As I stand up a sudden pain washes over me, making it so I can barely form proper words. "Pain... my head." I say in a soft shaky tone making the nurse almost unable to hear me.

"Alright sir we'll get you some pain medicine, then we're going to figure out what's wrong with you." she says in a kind tone, making me feel just a little bit better.          "Thank you."  I manage to say.

We get into the ambulance and it starts driving towards the hospital. "Here, take these." The nurse says as she hands me two light blue pills and some water in a green floral print paper cup. "My names Victoria by the way." She says awkwardly as if she's never talk to another human before in her life.


"Well looks like we're here!" Victoria says excitedly. " there's more people here that can help you out then in the ambulance. I'm sure you'll be much better soon."
This took too long to write and I'm out of ideas for now
I hope you have wonderful day/night
I love y'all, bye guys
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
394 words (I'm so proud of this number)

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