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"My Lord, you called for me." That was Sir Gillian my second in command. I sat upright in the throne and looked at him as he bowed. A well groomed man with a sturdy body.
"We shall be invading Urkhad tonight. Let the boys know." He smirked and looked at me elated.
"Really my Lord? We will have a lot to loot." I hit my staff on the floor.
"We are not going there to only loot Gill. I'm going there to take a wife. Let the boys know this. There should be no foreplay. The boys can keep some of the loot but I only get to take a woman there. Are we clear?" He bowed instantly.
"Yes Sire."
"You're dismissed." He left and as the doors of the throne room closed, I went to my room and had my servants polish my sword, Helmet, cuirass, gauntlet and shield. This was a battle I would win. I heard someone knock on my door.
"Come in." It was Celine my chief priestess. She bowed at me.
"I wonder what brings the chief priestess to my room?" She fidgeted as she spoke.
"Pardon me my Lord. I just thought it best to remind you how important it was for you to bring a wife from your next conquest." I groaned.
"I do remember Celine. Anything else?" She was still fidgeting and found it hard to speak.
"Celine would you say what is on your mind goddamn it!" She moved back a little as I stood up.
"The Oracle says your wife is the Queen of Urkhad."

   As I rode in my Carriage, I thought of what Celine told me. I was meant to marry the wife of another man? Damn that Oracle! The battle to penetrate Urkhad lasted a whole day.  We managed to injure most of the men of Urkhad and some stubborn ones met their death. I had my men put off the fire that had almost burned half the city and tie some of the men who surrendered. I told the others to go call their King and Queen for me. King Daniel came dressed in his armour. He was bleeding on his side and was barely standing. His wife was no where to be seen. I heard a someone scream. I looked ahead and saw a woman dressed in a beautiful purple gown and a pregnant woman. Gillian directed them to where I stood. The woman in the purple dress looked so beautiful with her dark skin and her hair packed in a bun. The other woman who was pregnant wore a white dress and her white skin glowed. She was way beautiful than the other lady. Was she the one who would be my wife?
"What brings you here Zhao? We have no enmity so why would you raid my city?" He winced as he talked and I sat on the chair Gillan brought for me.
"I answer to no one King Daniel. Now who is your queen between this two?" He wouldn't answer me so I signalled to Gillian who punched him by the side where he bled. He fell on the floor and the two ladies ran to his aid.
"You know how impatient I am King Daniel. Don't keep me waiting. Now who is your Queen before I burn this place down!" He pointed to the lady in the purple dress. Oh. That wasn't what I was expecting. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to me. She smelled so nice as she resisted.
"Let her go Zhao." He tried standing up but he fell back down.
"Give her to me King Daniel and I might not burn the rest of the city down." She seemed surprised at my statement and shoved me hard on the chest but I didn't budge.
"What is the guarantee you will do as you've said?" Was he going to give her to me? Why was he asking this? I expected a fight from him but certainly not this.
"Everyone knows I'm a man of my word. Right Gillian?" To this statement Gillian and I both laughed.
"You can have her." I saw a tear drop from her face as she heard what he said. She managed to set herself free and ran towards where King Daniel was. She slapped him across his face.
"You're going to let him take me? I'm your wife Daniel." He stood up on his feet.
"What do you want me to do? He's going to burn the city down." She sat on the floor.
"Fight for me Daniel. Is that too hard to do?" She continued sobbing and he just limped with the pregnant woman beside him leading him into the city.

   She wouldn't budge when the carriage wanted to leave. She threw tantrums and said she wanted to see her son. Gillian managed to put her in my carriage and shut the door. She continued screaming and hit the door till she bled in her hands.
"Please don't take me away from my son. He's barely a year old."
"Stop your tantrum woman!" I sat on the seat by window. "Let's go Gillan."
"Where are you taking me?"
"Home." We had been riding for awhile and I was almost asleep when I saw her jump out through the window. What the hell was wrong with her?
"Gillian stop the Carriage! She has run away." The carriage came to a stop and then I got out. I was so furious. It was raining already and the boys were all soaking wet. We started searching for her in the forest. I heard someone scream and I knew it was her. I took off all my equipment and ran in the direction of where the scream came from. I could barely see and the rain made me feel so cold. Damn this woman. I saw her on the floor trying to push off a wolf. Serves her right! I unseathed my sword and cut off the head of the beast. She passed out as soon as I killed the beast. She had some cuts and bruises so I just carried her in my arms to the carriage. 
As soon as we got home, I got us out of the carriage. She was still unconcious in my arms and the men hooted as they saw her in my hands. I grunted and carried her to the throne room.
"Celine!" She came in few minutes later with a mirror.
"Is she the one?" She walked over to where I put her and pointed the mirror in her face. It shone a light.
"Yes Sire. I'll get everything prepared."
   Thirty minutes later, the council and the elders had gathered in the throne room for the marriage. Celine being the chief priestess solemnised our marriage. Throughout the ceremony, I  knew she was awake but pretended to still be unconscious. After a few chants, my name had to be tattooed on her wrist. She screamed as soon as the process started.
"I thought she was unconscious." Celine just shook her head.
I was made to drink her blood as she struggled to get free. I had some of my men hold her down as Celine opened her mouth and made her drink my blood also.
"You're now husband and wife Sire."

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