Sick day

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It had been an exhausting day for Izuku. For one, he woke up with a burning hot forehead and a sniffly nose. On top of that, he had to stay home from his hero duties. All he could do was lie in a swarm of his used tissues while waiting for the fever to part way.

He tried to get some shut eye but there was a knock on the door. It was dark out and he wasn't expecting anyone in his state. He gets up from the couch, where he had been lying all day, and answers the door across the room.

With a surprised look on his face, he said "Kacchan? Why are you here? You don't usually visit unexpectedly".

"Damn nerd. Be grateful I came all this way to you. Why didn't you come to work today?".

"Well, it's just that I've been a little sick. I woke up this morning with a fever. Wait, did you come here because you were worried?".

Although it wasn't obvious, Katsuki's ears were red. But still, he replied "shut up dammit. I'm just here to make sure your lazy ass wasn't slacking off while I'm working".

"Oh right! Well it's no big deal Kacchan. I'll be ready to help out tomorrow. Don't you worry".

"I'm not -", as Katsuki was about to defend his pride, he spotted Izuku's living space, if you could even call it that. The living room looked worse than the aftermath of a battle. Used tissues littered the floor. He was basically a sick person in a landfill.

"Deku, this is how you're living? You're the greatest hero and you can't even take care of yourself. I thought I taught you your lesson back in UA. Lie down on the fucking couch while I clean this place up you damn slob".

"But Kacchan, you can't. You'll get sick too".

"Stupid nerd. You think a bunch of your pathetic germs can defeat me. Is this a challenge?".

"No no, I'll go lie down Kacchan, it's no big deal".

Even though he was worried, Izuku appreciated Katsuki's company. He brought in a spark Izuku was missing. He watched his boyfriend meticulously pick up the junk all over the floor. The way his eyes made him feel like he was lying down on a cloud. Yet there was also a sort of burning determination to his eyes. It evoked the security he so very much needed right now. While observing Katsuki, Izuku's eyes began to feel droopy and his breathing came to a calm pace.

Katsuki heads to the kitchen to prepare some soup when he notices Izuku's sleeping face. His freckled cheeks are still a little pink from his fever but at least he doesn't look like he just came back from the hospital.

"The soup can wait", Katsuki whispers to himself while grabbing a velvety blanket that is as soft as a feather from the closet. He scooches in next to Izuku, making sure not to wake him up, and throws the blanket on top of them both. One hand wrapped around his torso while the other plays with his fluffy green hair. Despite his sickly state, Katsuki feels nothing but adoration and love for him, although he's hesitant to admit it. While drifting through various memories with Izuku, Katsuki dozes off with his boyfriend.

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