Chapter 9

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After I made sure Andreana was safe at home.......and I stopped standing there with a stupid smile on my face, I then started to make my way home. It was then that I realized that it actually was night outside, and that my mom was probably worried sick.

'I'm dead.' I thought to myself as I rushed out of Andreana's neighborhood and towards mine. But I also had to keep a look out for the thug to see if he would follow me home. Checking my surroundings as I entered the neighborhood, and even going to hide in the bushes every time I rounded the corner, I then concurred that I was not followed. Andreana and I gave that guy the slip.

Soon enough though, I had finally made it home. Though I gotta be honest, the second that i stepped through that door, and found my mom standing there waiting for me......I almost wanted to go back outside. She was seething mad.

"YOU!" she screamed. "You are in so much trouble young man!"

"Mom, I-" I started to say.

"I'M NOT DONE!" she interjected. I then piped down and didn't dare say another word as my mom seethed. "Look at your phone Lucas! NOW!" she ordered.

I then pulled out my phone and gaped at what I saw. 12 unread text messages and four missed calls. All of them had 'Mom' labeled on them. How in the hell did I not notice this before?!

And then I saw that my ring volume was on mute. I guess at some point throughout tonight's events, I accidentally turned the volume off.

"You have any idea how worried sick I have been about you?!" Mom roared as she advanced on me. "What in the world were you thinking?! Why were you-" But then she stopped in her tracks as she glanced at my face.

I blinked a couple of times in confusion. "What?" I asked, shrinking away from her. She then walked up to me and reached a hand out to the bruise on my head.

"What happened to your head?" she asked in a more worried voice. "It looks worse than it did when you left. Why didn't you come home right away like I told you to?!"

I sighed and looked down at the ground. "You're probably not gonna like what I am about to tell you." I said.

"Well this should be good then." Mom said, folding her arms tightly.

I then proceeded to tell her about what happened that night. Me discovering Andreana, fighting the thug who attempted to rape her, escaping the thug, and returning her home. By the end of it all, mom was huffing and puffing with her eyes closed. That's what she does when she's really angry but is trying to control herself.

"You're right." she finally said. "I don't like what you just said. Luke, what were you thinking?! You could've died!"

"I just wasn't thinking about myself at the moment." I admitted. "Was more focused on saving Andreana."

Mom closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. "While that was brave of you to do, it was also very stupid! I know you have feelings for that girl hun, but you have learn how to not put yourself in deadly situations like that. Don't ever do something like that again, you understand me?"

I knew I may or may not live up to what my mom wants. If Andreana is in danger then I'm gonna be there to help her. But I also don't want my mom to be on my tail even more than she is now, so......

"Yes." I said.

"Good." mom said. "Now go eat dinner, it's been sitting in the microwave for a little while now."

I then walked into the kitchen to prepare myself for dinner. All throughout though I just kept thinking about what happened tonight and how I stopped a potential rape. And the fact that it was my own crush, Andreana Kross, made it even more impactful.

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