Settling In

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                As they left sick bay, Zach wheeled her to his cabin. On the way there, crewmen and women waved to them and said hello. He said hello back to them while she looked at them nervously.
            Eventually they arrived at his cabin. He helped her onto the recliner, then helped her set up her stream links. He asked where she wanted her bowls and statues. She told him, and he put them where she asked for them to be put.
             Afterwards, he brought out a pillow as well as a quilt for her to cover up with.
             “Are you sure you don't want to take the bed? It's more comfortable than the couch. The couch is comfortable, don't get me wrong.
              ”But I just feel uncomfortable with a lady having to sleep on the couch.”
             “I do not mind. This chair is also very comfortable.”, she replied.          
             “Alright. How about a compromise? One night you take the couch and I'll take the bed, then the next night we switch. We'll switch back and forth every night. How does that sound?”, he asked.
              Sceca replied, “That sounds quite agreeable, Zach.”
              After a glass of iced tea and trips to the bathroom, they turned in for the night. He helped her onto the couch, putting the wheelchair by her so she could use it during the night if necessary. He locked it as well.
               After turning in, Zach snored most of the night.
               After a good night's sleep, during which Sceca never moved, sleeping in the same position all night, Zach woke her up. After she had a quick trip to the bathroom, he took a shower. He then helped her into the bathroom so she could wash up as well.
                She got dressed with only minimal help, and he wheeled her to the dining hall for breakfast. He told her he had patrol that day, but that he would get her all set up with snacks and drinks before leaving.
                 He also told her his friend Salya would stop by to check on her as well while he was gone.
                 Early that afternoon, there was a knock on the door.
                  “Come in.”, Sceca called out from her recliner.
                  A woman walked in carrying two meals.
                  “Hi. You must be Sceca. I'm Salya, Zach's friend. He asked me to stop in and check on you. I brought us lunch.”, she said.
                  “Yes, I'm Sceca. Thank you for lunch. It is nice to meet you.”, Sceca replied.
                   Salya then went into the kitchen, making herself at home. She seemed to know where everything was.
                   Coming out of the kitchen, she brought out two glasses of iced tea, and put them on the coffeetable. She'd brought zappi for lunch, and handed Sceca one of the meals.
                  “Do you need help cutting that?”, Salya asked.
                  “Yes, please.”, Sceca replied.
                  Once her lunch had been cut into manageable pieces, Sceca started to eat.
                  “Thank you. How do you know Zach?”, she asked Salya.
                  “We're fellow crewmembers. We also spend quite alot of time together off-and-on.”, Salya said.
                  “You are Zach's woman.”, Sceca replied. It was not a question.
                  “Not specifically. Zach and I aren't exclusive.”, Salya said.
                  “I do not understand.”, Sceca said.
                  “Well, we're free to see whomever we want. It's all no strings attached, and no commitment. We're more each other's periodic stress relief than anything else.
                  ”Although for all I know, Zach's seeing other women, like I'm seeing other men. There's no jealousy at all.”, she replied.
                  “Why do you not commit to him? Do you not want him?”, Sceca asked.
                  “At times I do, but only from a physical relief point of view. He's not a guy I want to spend the rest of my life with. We'll always be friends, but neither of us wants a commitment; at least not with each other anyway.”, Salya said.
                 “By physical relief, you mean at times you want to mate with him?”, Sceca asked.
                 “Yes. And if he's not busy or with someone, then we do. It's a great kind of relationship.”, Salya replied.
                  “Do you ever get jealous of other women he might be mating with?”, Sceca asked.
                  “No. Not at all. And he doesn't get jealous of the guys I'm with. That's why it's no strings attached.”, she replied.
                  “He is very nice-looking.”, Sceca said.
                  “Yes he is. He's a good man, don't get me wrong. But I just don't see a future with him as anything but a friend. And I think he feels the same way about me.”, Salya replied, smiling.
                   “How did you and Zach meet?”, Sceca asked.
                   “We met at Orrion Flight Academy. We were classmates there.”, she replied.
                    Taking a quick look at her watch, she said, “I've got to get to the salon. I'm getting my hair and nails done. Would you like to come with? We'll take your chair so you won't have to walk. I'll let Zach know in case we're not done when he gets back.”
                    “Alright.”, Sceca replied.
                     She got into the wheelchair with a little help, went to the bathroom, then they left. Salya locked the cabin door and then wheeled Sceca to the salon.
                     When they arrived there, Salya introduced Sceca to everyone. Sceca watched as Salya had her hair colored, and watched other ladies get their nails done.
                    “Sceca, you should really try these massage chairs!”, Salya said.
                     Sceca looked at the chairs, but was nervous because of her ankle.
                    “They can give you a pedicure without getting your foot wet if you'd like. Just pick out what color you want your nails painted.
                    ”You can have the same color on both your toenails and fingernails, or even different colors. They'll give you a design on your nails if you'd like.”, Salya said, smiling.
                    “I have no money, but maybe another time.”, Sceca replied. 
                    “It's free. It's one of the perks of living here.”, Salya said.
                    After thinking about it, Sceca decided to have her nails done. She chose a bright purple nail polish for both her hands and feet.
                   The tech painted a bright glittery star on each of her big toes as well as on her ring fingers. The tech took care not to hurt her ankle and hand.
                   Sceca enjoyed the massage from the pedicure chair. Salya took pictures of the two of them and sent them to Zach.
                   She really liked Sceca, and the feeling was mutual. She'd never been friends with an alien before, other than those at the Academy, that is.
                   This friendship, Salya thought to herself, was different. This wasn't based on a professional relationship at all.
                   This was based on a mutual liking, a mutual curiosity regarding each other's species. They were just two women of two different species. Two women who, in spite of their obvious differences, realized they actually had quite alot in common.
                   After they finished at the salon, Salya invited Sceca to her cabin for a quick glass of iced tea. While there, they talked about Leave on Lambda that was coming up in five weeks.
                  “I can't wait! Zach and I are going with some friends to a club one night. The next night we're going to a get-together with some of our Academy classmates. You should come with us!
                  ”We'll sing, dance, eat, drink, and just have lots of fun!”, Salya said.
                  “It sounds like fun, but I don't think I'll be able to dance by then. I'm also very not very comfortable around alot of humans.”, Sceca replied.
                   “That's okay. You'll be safe with us. It'll be fun. How about it?”, Salya asked.
                   “Alright. Thank you for inviting me.”, Sceca replied.
                   “Great! We'll get our dresses and jewelry picked out in a few days. We want to look spectacular! We're going to have a blast!”, Salya exclaimed, giving Sceca a hug.
                    Eventually it was time for Salya to go on patrol, so she wheeled Sceca back to the cabin. Salya said she'd be by the next day. They'd talk more about their dresses and jewelry for their nights at the club. Salya then left for patrol.
                  “That was fun!”, Sceca exclaimed.
                   An hour later Zach walked in the door. They talked about their day. Sceca showed him her nails and talked about the plans Salya was making for them.
                  “She's really nice! We had alot of fun. Zach, I hope you don't mind that I left the cabin.”, Sceca said.
                   “No, not at all! I'm glad you two had fun together! I can't wait to see what dresses you wear! If you're wearing one of her club dresses, well...WOW!”, he replied.
                   “I told her I can't dance because of my ankle, but she said that's okay. I...I hope I won't embarrass you there.”, she said.
                   “Not at all. We're going to have so much fun!”, Zach replied.
                    He then wheeled her to the dining hall for dinner. They each had a plate of spaghetti and meatballs plus garlic bread. Zach showed her how to eat the spaghetti, and cut the meatballs for her.
                   They also had a nice fresh salad, which Sceca ate with gusto. For dessert they had misuteri, a cake-like pastry with a cream and espresso filling. They enjoyed dessert so much they each had another slice, then brought two more slices home for later.
                   Before leaving the dining hall, they refilled their glasses of iced coffee. On their way home, they stopped at the observation deck for awhile. Sceca asked him to help her stand up so she could look out the window better. He helped her up and put his arm around her waist.
                 “The stars are so beautiful. I never thought I'd live among them or travel through space. I always wondered what it would be like to do this. Thanks to you, Zach, I know what it's like.
                 ”I now can finally see what my ancestors saw as they traveled around the galaxy. The stars were our playground. We could go anywhere, Zach! Anywhere! We were well-respected, and were welcome everywhere we went.
                 “The Dhinut were well-known as a kind, peaceful people. One day, people will once again know and respect the Dhinut. I'm not sure how, but one day we'll be respected and welcome everywhere once more.
                  ”The Dhinut Empire will return one day. We'll be even stronger, more respected, and welcome everywhere than we were so many millennia ago!”, Sceca said.
                 “Sceca, what happened all those centuries ago? Why did your people stop being so advanced and become primitive?”, he asked.
                   “A combination of things. Natural disasters, illness, predators. Mostly natural disasters and illness caused by those same disasters.
                  ”We became so weakened that other races, predators, had an easy time killing us. We thought if we lived a more primitive life, we'd have a better chance of surviving.
                  “We stayed to ourselves for the most part, becoming hunter-gatherers so that we could be as self-reliant as possible.
                  “Eventually our Empire became a distant memory. Not to us, though. Each one of us were taught that as long as one Dhinut was alive, the Empire still existed.
                  ”You said you read about our history, and that the books said only legends about us survived, with only speculation about what happened to us, or if we really even existed. The legends are true. The Dhinut Empire still exists as long as I am alive.“, Sceca said.
                  ”And if you have children? What if the children aren't full-blooded Dhinut?“, he asked.
                  She looked at Zach, somewhat confused.
                ”As long as Dhinut blood runs through someone's veins, the Empire still exists.“, she replied, smiling, then turned to look out the window again.
                   After a few more minutes, she wanted to sit down again. They then went back to their cabin. They drank their iced coffees and ate their last pieces of dessert.
                   ”Sceca, sleep in my bed from now on. We'll sleep platonically. You'll be able to stretch out better, and will be much more comfortable. 
                    “I really don't feel right with you sleeping on the couch, even with last night's compromise. I promise you I'll be a perfect gentleman.“, Zach said.
                   ”Alright.“, Sceca said as she went to change into her bedclothes before going to the bathroom.
                   Once back into the bedroom, she got into bed. Zach said she should sleep on the side away from the door. He put a pillow under her ankle in order to keep it somewhat elevated. After locking the cabin door and turning off the lights, he climbed into bed, clad only in sleep pants.
                    ”I hope you don't mind, but I don't like sleeping with a shirt on. I'll put one on if you'd be more comfortable.“, Zach said.
                    ”No, you are alright like that.“, she replied.
                    ”Move over towards the center. That way you won't fall out if you turn over like you would if you were sleeping close to the edge.“, he told her.
                    ”Alright. Other than the bed in sick bay, I've never slept in a bed before. I'd never slept on a couch before last night either.“, Sceca said.
                    ”Really? That's interesting.“, Zach replied as he put his arm around Sceca and held her close.
                    ”I thought you were going to be a gentleman.“, Sceca said.
                     ”I am being a gentleman. I'm keeping you from falling out of bed, and I'm keeping you nice and warm. I promise you Sceca, your virtue is safe with me.“, Zach replied, smiling ever-so-slightly.
                    ”What if I don't want my virtue to be safe with you?“, she thought to herself, hoping she hadn't said that out loud. She was still on painkillers for her hand and ankle, and blamed that thought on them.
                    Sceca reminded herself to be extra careful because of the medication. She didn't want to let on about her true feelings for Zach. The medication was loosening her inhibitions slightly, and she knew she needed to keep control of herself.
                    ”Goodnight, Sceca.“, Zach said.  
                    ”Goodnight, Zach.“, Sceca said, remembering how Nurse Antonia had taught her to respond when a human told her goodnight.
                     Within 5 minutes, they were both sound asleep.

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