Peppa's findings

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One day Peppa pig and her brother got told a story about a ghost from her dad. She goes and asks people where to find ghosts. She goes to Alcatraz for it. She busts out and stole Georges dinosaur. She goes in the attic and hears a screech. The attic door closed and locked itself. Peppa screamed and ran to the door and rattled it. The floor boards creaked. A storm came and smashed the window and lightning struck down. Peppa puked... A ghost. A dead man. What was it. The ghost came.

"HI PEPPA." The ghost yelled in a friendly voice.

"Hello mr ghost." said peppa in her messed up voice.

After that she got knifed and her family got killed. Oh, and her house blew up from natural disaster that no one knew about. Or as sheriff snake said, someone blew it up.


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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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