Chapter Twelve - The Interview

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Dearest Mother and Father,

You would never believe this in a thousand years, but I have found myself in the distant future, where music can be heard on portable metal boxes, and people travel about in steel carriages without the aid of livestock.

As I say this now, my wife Kumiko is having a bath. Or perhaps what is known as a shower. I can hear the rapidly pouring water from where I sit, and it confuses me that anyone would subject themselves to such torture. But, then again, she has never been an ordinary woman, and I daresay this is another one of her quirks.

Anyhow, I apologize for rambling. Today is the day I begin my new job, so if you are watching over me, I pray that you'll wish me the best in this undertaking.

Your ever-dutiful son, Ichiro


"I'm very glad you could make it this morning," Futoshi grumbled, dragging a chair out from beneath the dining table to make it clear that he was less than thrilled about taking Ichiro under his wing. "Why don't you take a seat?"

"Of course. It is an honor." Ichiro swallowed his apprehension and shuffled forward. He tugged lightly at his hakama so that he could sit down opposite the old man. "What can I expect of my duties?"

Futoshi sighed and glanced to the right. Ichiro noticed a tall white cabinet with silver handles and wondered what was stored inside it.

"To be honest, it isn't ideal for you to be around today. I have a visitor coming over to deal with Tsutomu, and-"

"Hey, what's this about?" A familiar face suddenly protruded from the wall behind Futoshi, causing Ichiro to freeze in surprise. "You can't get rid of me. I still have unfinished-"

"Shut your trap," Futoshi snapped at Tsutomu. "I don't need you phasing through walls when I'm trying to sleep or taking a piss."

An intense look of shame spread over Tsutomu's face as he slowly retreated. "I'm sorry. You know I didn't do it on purpose..."

Futoshi turned back around after Tsutomu had disappeared from view. "You see what I already put up with? You can thank your wife for that."

Ichiro wasted no time in defending Kumiko. "I don't think she intended to create an inconvenience. She must have thought this was the best solution."

"Whatever you say. Madame Ether will be here soon anyway, and she'll do her best to drive your salaryman friend out of this place."

"I don't think it will be that easy. You might not know this, but he took over my body twice."

Futoshi leaned back in his chair and rolled his eyes. "Don't take me for some fool. I was there when it happened."


"Anyway, I should give you a quick interview before we get down to business. What do you say?"

As someone who had once been guaranteed to inherit his parents' teashop, Ichiro was not accustomed to the idea of being trialed before starting employment. He stood up to protest.

"Surely there must be another way? I can start working right now if you want me-"

"No." Futoshi waved for him to sit back down. "This will be necessary to determine your level of experience and suitability."

Ichiro felt his chest tighten as he complied. He was not looking forward to this at all.

"First, tell me your full name, age, and birth date."

"My name is Ichiro, but my mother used to call me 'little grasshopper' out of affection. I am twenty-three years of age, and I was born in the fifth year of Tenshō."

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