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GREYSOC agents are allowed to wear civilian clothes but GREYSOC does offer uniforms if the operator wants to wear one.

The standard GREYSOC uniform resembles that of the Crye G3 Combat shirt and pants, they may also provide flight suits in colors like olive green or desert tan.

GREYSOC also allows the operator to wear their own patches, most operators tend to wear GREYSOC's own patches which have the company logo on them. Other operators may opt for somewhat comedic patches. GREYSOC agents are advised not to wear US flag patches as to disguise their country of origin, although some agents like to go against this, brandishing US flag patches.

For headgear, agents will usually choose either a baseball cap or a ballistic helmet of some kind, most agents use baseball caps for when they train but will use ballistic helmets on missions. body armor and everything else will be completely tailored to the agent's liking.

The only dress code for agents is that they must always wear face coverings or balaclavas while on missions so as to keep their identity hidden from foreign authorities, they still have to wear face coverings on the job but not when they're off duty or at home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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firefight beta survival/campaign: GREYSOC PMC companyWhere stories live. Discover now