I can see you hurting

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I don't know why but I can feel your emotions,
Through a tiny screen in my hands,
You look like you've been crying,
And I can't give you my hand,
You've been acting weird all night,
And I'm not sure what to do,
I love you so much,
So tell me why your hurting,
Because you mean so much to me,
I wish I could give you a great big hug,
But your two far to touch,
You make my heart jump with joy every time you say my name,
But right now it feels like your just not the same,
I will stay up all night if I need,
To stop you from doing bad things,
I want to hold you close and tell you it's ok,
But it's much too hard to say those words,
When your just so far away,
I know your hurting so please tell me why,
You say you give up,
But you don't give me a reason why,
This pain you are feeling is making me cry,
It's just too much to see you crying with your red swollen eyes,
If only I was there I would hold you close,
I'm trying so hard to make you stop,
I know life is hard,
But please, oh please tell me why your hurting,
It's causing so much pain,
Too much for me to bare,
I love to see you smile and laugh at the funny jokes I make,
But right now all you can do is lay there in pain,
If I could do anything right now it'd to be by your side,
To give you comfort and to save you from these thoughts,
So please my best friend tell me why your hurting
So that maybe it will stop,

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