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A young girl who attire in a formal dress code came to the office while panting heavily "You all better be in your place Miss Jeon is here " She adjust to take everyone's attention and told to help her colleague's

"Ting " As a girl stepped out of the elevator, her face exuded power and luxury.

A small relif escaped from employees when they saw her entering inside the cabin with her secretary who carried the files her .

"Good morning ma'am" your secretary, Miss Kang, with a smile. Miss Jeon returned the greeting. Miss Kang then proceeded to explain the schedule of the day to you, as you listened attentively..

""Please reschedule everything after 3:00 to Mrs. Jeon's schedule. I am leaving early today, and I have already informed her, so there's no need to worry," Miss Jeon said in a calm and natural tone. Miss Kang nodded in response and then walked out of the cabin.

Time flies you were engrossed in work,as a final click u clicked the keyboard and you rechecked making sure that the work was completed.


You are outside the cafe, waiting for your friends, casually scrolling through social media.

"Hey, you," you heard a familiar voice and turned around to see five young boys. "Hey," you greeted back with a smile.

""Were we late?" one of them asked. "No, how could you be late when I was the one who came an hour early," you replied with a hint of sarcasm in your voice, causing them to roll their eyes in response.

You inquired about the journey to the boys as they settled into their seats. A waitress approached to take their order, asking, "What can I get you, ma'am and sir?" You requested a coffee and pastry. After quickly deciding, they placed their orders just in time for the waitress to go fetch them.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" you repeated your earlier question. Huening-kai replied, "Honestly, it feels pretty awful," shrugging his shoulders. He sat patiently, waiting for his cappuccino and cake to be served.

Yeonjun turned to her with a question, "How about you, kid?" In response, you replied, "Likewise." Curious about their journey, you asked, "How did it go?

Soobin confirmed, "It went smoothly."

"Wow, that's impressive," you remarked, taken aback. Beomgyu, who had been silent until then, simply said, "Yeah, I know, right?" You jokingly added, "You can speak now? I thought you went mute," with a fake surprised expression, to which he just rolled his eyes.

While you were engrossed in conversation, your orders arrived. As you took a sip of your drink, a group of people entered the cafe dressed entirely in black, giving off a Mafia-like vibe. Thanks to your keen observation skills, you noticed the hidden guns tucked discreetly into their waistbands.

Your friends turned to see where you were looking so intently, appearing suspicious. Taehyun, munching on his freshly baked pastry, commented, "Hey, aren't they familiar? I think I've seen them somewhere before."

"They look so suspicious," you remarked, picking up on the furtive undertones in their demeanor. "I don't think so, I'm pretty sure these teenagers are just dressed up for Halloween," Yeonjun said, tearing his gaze away from them to look at Y/n, who was still watching them intently. One of the individuals in black made eye contact with you, and you locked eyes with them, engaging in what felt like a staring competition.

Beomgyu waved his hand in front of your face, signaling for you to snap out of your intense stare-down. "What?!" you asked him, giving him a small glare. He teasingly remarked, "I thought you fell in love with that girl," prompting you to roll your eyes at his comment.

Glancing discreetly at your watch, you saw that it was 4:45, and your mom's reminder to come home early echoed in your mind. A sense of responsibility stirred within you as you checked the time. "I have to get home early today, gotta go!" you announced, standing up abruptly. Kai asked, "Wait, can I eat that if you're not eating?" you gave a confused look and shook your head before hurrying away from the table, knowing you were running late.

Bumping into the guy from earlier, you stammered out an apology, the unexpected encounter shattering the subtle tension in the air. "Can't you walk properly " He raised his voice, his words cutting through the ambiance of the cafe, drawing the attention of both patrons and the suspicious group. Uninterested in the commotion, you handed him money to defuse the situation, mindful of the ticking clock as you needed to leave promptly.

The unknown guy shot you a sharp look, as if his gaze alone could be lethal. Just then, his phone began to ring, diverting his attention away from you. Clutching the money in his hand, he answered the call abruptly, his tone filled with disbelief, "What, no way, you guys accepted him?" After a brief pause, he continued, "Yeah, we are coming in 10 minutes."


Hey there,
I am rewriting this story because I was so careless when I originally wrote it. I hope this revised version turns out better than the last one.

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