Therapy and ruined dates

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The therapy session with Dr Albania Cyrus was exhausting but she was able to get some things off her chest. The appointment lasted throughout the day and it was the longest she's had.

"Feeling better now?"

Robert asked

"I've always felt better."

"Yeah. You still have appointments for the next three months."

"I know. Let's talk about your little date later today." Ivory groaned "It's not a date dad. We're just going out as friends."

"You're going out with a boy other than Mason. There's only a handful of boys in your life Ivory; Mason and Ambrose."

"I don't see anything wrong there."

"So you don't have any feelings for Fabian?"

"Absolutely none but people change and I'm not changing anytime soon."

"I like the first part of your answer. I'm rooting for you and Mason."

"We're just best friends dad."

"You'll see."

He finished and nodded his head to Blake Shelton's God's country which was playing on the radio.

While taking off her grey marl California slogan oversized sweater Gold walked in.

"How was your date?"

Ivory had given up on correcting them.

"It was meant to be fine if it wasn't for Mason continuously calling and texting me. In summary, it was absolutely ruined."

She recalled how smoothly the hangout started, the movie title; Crazy rich Asians came up and they shuffled to sit comfortably. Some minutes into it Fabian started talking and she went along with the flow, the conversation was about how they got into their respective clubs in school.

 They stopped a few times to catch up with the movie and Fabian wandered off to get refreshments at a point, he returned with some popcorns and they decided to trail into get to know me discussions when Mason started calling. She ignored him the first two times but the calls kept coming, Ivory was worried he got into trouble so she answered the third call only to hear him complain about the microwave, she dismissed him and he called again to complain about the dishwasher.

Then she realized what he was doing. They got into a mini argument on the phone and Fabian slowly got pissed, by the time she ended the call, the movie was over and Fabian's face was set in a scowl. They didn't talk throughout the car ride and he drove faster than he usually did.

Both the movie and so called date was ruined

"Mason's only looking out for you Ivory and you know it."

"I know but I'm not a kid anymore, when will you guys get that?"

"You're my kid ... Did he make any silly move?"

"No." She answered while tugging on an ash grey casual jogger.

"Then he's a gentleman."

"Whatever. I just want to sleep properly before calling Mason."

"I get it. I thought you'll be hungry so I saved your spaghetti."

"Thanks mum. I'll eat it later."

She smiled at Ivory then left

What would you do to Mason if you were Ivory?

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