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Only when a person has nothing left do they truly realize how much they have and how little they need. 

More and more I find myself wanting to be by myself. The sound[s] of certain peoples' jokes just make me want to crawl into a hold and not exist. The feeling of not wanting to exist is one of the worst in the world. Just having this feeling of nothing and no one. After feeling such joy and sadness, to feeling nothing at all.

You try everything and anything to feel something at all. It's like seeing colors all your life then being forced to live in a world of black and white. 

You can't do anything about it, no matter how you try. 

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It has been quite a long day. Started out raining and slow. 

Rain is such a sad thing. Especially around here. It can't be simple rain that allows little girls and boys to dance in with their rain boots. 

This rain is cold and ruthless. Windy, so windy you must suffer without an umbrella. Lest it blow away.

Then if it does not rain for days on end, causing flooding to ditches lakes and houses, it will snow. Big fluffy snowflakes will fall onto everything. 

And yet in the end, the sun will come out and the world will once again be HOT

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