Felix Felicis

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I came across a Hermione Granger/Fenrir Greyback fic and it was... interesting to say the least, I don't know why I love to read about Hermione being with the darker misunderstood characters but I do and Fenrir is perfect! There isn't a whole lot of this pairing out there so I'm gonna give it a try.

This will be an AU obviously, starting while Harry and Dumbledore are atop the astronomy tower and the rest of the gang are battling death eaters. In this AU instead of attacking Harry and getting stunned Fenrir Greyback grabs Hermione and disappears into the forest with her. My muse for this story came from LameBicycle98 her story Hunted made me want more, it's relatively short a quick but good read.

Please read and review; I'd love to hear every and anyone's opinions and ideas.

(IMPORTANTE!)Fenrir will be slightly nicer as the story progresses but major warnings in the beginning. I will not describe any nonconsensual lewd acts in detail. As I am against underage sex acts I would like to add that Hermione's birthday is September 19th so in this story at least please assume that Hermione turned 12 a few weeks into her first year and as such she would've 17 at the beginning of the year this story is taking place. 17 is legal in their world but as she used the time turner so much in third year we shall say she 18 or at least vey near to 18.


Chapter 1. Felix Felicis

"Stupefy!" screamed Hermione, aiming her wand at a lumpy death eater whose sex she couldn't quite determine.

Pausing just long enough to ensure the spell hit her target she pressed on, throwing curses whenever she spotted an opening between her friends and the death eaters Malfoy had somehow managed to get in the castle. Her determination to get outside was amplified when she chanced a quick look at her wrist.

Harry and Dumbledore had been gone for nearly an hour! They had to return, there were too many death eaters in the school all of the teachers were fighting. Thank goodness the Order was already there or the teachers would've been taken out already. If Dumbledore didn't return soon lives could be lost.

The Felix Filicis still coursing through her veins dictated she should be on the grounds waiting for someone. The potion merely nudged her in the right direction it didn't tell her much, so logically she assumed she was waiting for Harry to return with Dumbledore.

Reaching the appropriate spot with Felix's help she stopped and observed her surroundings. Very much alone she stood a few yards from the edge of the Forbidden Forest the castle loomed on the other side of her, no sign of the battle within evident from her vantage point.

Her eyes traveled upward toward the astronomy tower, to her shock and horror the dark mark shone menacingly above Hogwarts tallest tower. Who could've died? Hermione's heart clenched tightly in her chest as she tried not to picture Ron, or Ginny, or Professor McGonagall dead. The fading potion insisted this is where she needed to be. She felt rooted to the spot, just waiting and hoping that Dumbledore would arrive soon.

Within two minutes she heard the sound of broomsticks swooping through the air. It took her awhile to spot them, the sky was dark but she made out the two black figures hunched their broomsticks directly above her.

"Harry! Professor!" she screamed into the air.

It was useless they were moving too fast streaking towards the astronomy tower. She watched them disappear into the tower still glued to the spot waiting.

After an eternity she saw a flash of green light through the top of tower, grief overtook her. Somehow Hermione knew that the small figure that she watched fall was the Headmaster. Dumbledore was dead.

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