First Meeting

403 25 15

Laura Kinney/x-23

The tree flew over your head as you ducked down the side of the cliff, blood, sweat, and dirt coated you, but you kept on moving. A sentinel was was chasing you.

You don't know how or why, you were just on a camping trip with your friend Jake when you heard that sinister robotic voice echo through the forest. It was like the hybrid sound of a tornado siren and scraping metal, a sound so painful that it seemed to scrape rust blades across the skin of your forearms.

The sky slowly transformed from the calm red of sunset to the dark grey of a nearing storm. This distracted you enough that you managed to trip and tumble down the side of a hill, only coming to a stop after you slammed into a felled tree and heard a few of your bones break.

The Titanium colossus stood over you, it's one yellow eye acting like a flickering spotlight, the remaining arm sparked every time an exposed wire moved around.

Rain started to pound the ground as it raised the remaining fist that it had and swung down with enough force to split the earth.

You managed to roll out of the main impact zone just in time, sending you careening into the nearby creek.

"I did nothing! I am not a mutant!"

You sloshed around in the water, feeling every broken bone in your body as you tried desperately to get away. Slipping more than once on the mossy rocks underneath the water.

The Sentinel drew ever nearer with it's earth shaking stomps. It leaned down and the giant's hand was about to crush you when...


Your ears started to ring obnoxiously. Your eyes hurt from the sudden flash. Your senses were fucked and this only made you panic more.

You didn't notice it, but the clouds had significantly darkened since the start of your commotion. A large blast of lightning had struck the sentinel. Even with that amount of deafening force, it only pushed the hand away from crushing you like a bug.

You looked up, your eyes still adjusting to see one of the X-men, flying with the winds and occasionally sending a bolt of electricity to keep the old sentinel off-balance. You crawled away bit by bit, rolling behind a felled tree trunk as you assessed your situation. Ribs? Cracked for sure. Time? Not a lot of it. You just hoped that X-men lady would be able to take care of it.

You looked up at the battle again just to see what looked like a military plane of some sort to dart along the skyline as an even smaller figure dropped down onto the head of the sentinel. As soon as the figure made contact, old parts and large cables started to rain down.

Slowly, but surely the sentinel was ripped apart until it was just an enormous pile of scrap that fell in the forest. You were about to head out from your hiding place on the log, but as you stood up, a grey and black figure came crashing down in a superhero landing, wisps of smoke still emanating from the shoulders.

Despite the small size and rather dark appearance, you could tell a few things about the figure. It was a she, and she was terrifying as can be. Large claws, red eyes, what looked to be horns? Coupled with the hunched position and the animalistic breathing, you were frozen in fear.

You couldn't move, even after she started to go towards the light so you could see a bit more detail. She sniffed the air and scowled before retracting her claws with a quick 'snikt' and removing her mask slowly to show that she means no harm. She slowly inched towards you and spoke soft, yet strained words. Like she had just spent her morning yelling at the top of her lungs.

Your eyes finally shook of the effects of being blinded by lightning and it was only then that the strange blur around the monstrous character faded and you realized she was another person, not some sort of demonic being that just tore apart a 70 foot tall steel behemoth like you first assumed her to be. Knowing the X-men, they probably had someone like that in their group.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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