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A brunette with a brown skin and glasses, fixed his hair while holding his application papers for this new job he's applying. He doesn't say about it much but, he knows he hated the idea already. His professional background could get ruined because of this but, what else can he do? He needed somewhere to start and the laboratory he wanted to purchase is quite expensive. So doing this might help with his stepping stone to success.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Espresso? You know I can help you with whatever you must do. My family is always eager enough to fulfill your needs."

A male with long blonde hair and slightly fair skin told the male named 'Espresso' about the situation they're about to come across. Not that the blonde doesn't support him with his life decisions, is just that he wanted him to know that he'll be always there to help Espresso out; even if they both have different thoughts and opinions on things.

"I'll manage just fine without any of your luxury, Madeleine." Espresso replied to the other male, who's name is 'Madeleine'; who was flicking his 'Rapunzel-length' hair to the side to let the air flow around his neck. It was scorching hot by the way, 33 degrees to be exact.

"And besides, I have Banoffee to accompany me with this job. He told me that they give off good amount of paycheck at the end of every month so, no need to worry about me." Espresso added as he adjusted his glasses to get a better vision.

"Yes, I know. But, with kids?! You hate to be placed around kids! You might give the little ones quite a fright with your appearance!" Madeleine mentioned, making Espresso scoff in annoyance. "No, they will not! I'm sure the daycare director will accept me. I made a good application letter in the email after all." He added. "They said that I will have to come to the daycare in person so they can check if I'm qualified enough..."

Madeleine sighed. "If this is what you want... I'll fully support you in this. But, if you ever, and I mean, ever need help from me, don't hesitate to ask me, okay?" He offered as he gently cupped Espresso's cheek. The brunette huffed in the blonde's hand and he slowly nods his head.

"Alright, stop clinging onto me, please."

Madeleine chuckled before pulling away from the brunette. He just couldn't help whenever he and Espresso separate for such a long period of time, well, to them, 6-8 is such a long time and it will take a few seconds for them to miss each other. To the point it makes other people around them think they're dating.


That's such a weird word.

A word for people to use if people are assuming that two souls are feeling affectionate for one another. Espresso doesn't discuss this with his roommates, it would be definitely awkward for the both of them. He doesn't even covey this feelings that he has, in fact, he wants it to go away. It distracts him from him accomplishing his goals. But, sometimes he can't help but look at the rich, paladin-in-training sometimes. Espresso doesn't have feelings for the blonde...

Does he?

Espresso shook these thoughts away as he holds the door handle and carefully opened the door, the bell attached to the door frame startled the poor Madeleine. The two boys walked in this small but wide daycare. The play area was filled with kids and toddlers; and by filled, it was filled with 6 kids, left by their parents going to work for their family.

There some attendants taking care and helping them with whatever the children needed, with tenderness and cheerful manner. Carefully approaching one of the attendants for help, someone touched his should; which made his head turn.

It was an old friend of his, Banoffee !

"Espresso, old friend! I'm glad you took my offer." The slightly blonde haired man greeted, a traditional fan covering half of his face. "Come! I'll take you to the director's office. He told me they were expecting someone so I'm guessing that'd be you." Espresso nods his head as he followed his friend through the halls.

Espresso looked at his friend as he recalled the time he last saw him. It was back in High School. The blonde lad had his hair tied up in a messy bun; secured by a light blue puffy hair tie and some hairsticks, some his the hair flowed down, making his back look more elegant. He was also wearing a beige button up shirt and a periwinkle colored wool vest adorned with white and yellow swirling patterns, brown ish circles and stars on the bottom.

Espresso can't help but adore his vest. It does quite the job reflecting his outfit choice and personality.

"Where did you get your vest from? It suits you..." Espresso complimented the man, making Banoffee chuckle. "This? This was handmade by the director. All of our vests comes from him. Likes fiddling with needles and threads, he says." He replied as he fixed his vest.

'it seems like the director really cares for the attendants.' Espresso thinks.

"Does the director stay in his office?" Espresso asked as they walked. "No, not much. He only goes there when he has papers to finish." Banoffee replied. "He spends most of his time with the kids and helping around the daycare. Sometimes, he would tend to the garden with Nurse Lily." Espresso looked around the halls with adoration. The light colors of the walls and the decor really pleased him. But, not to the extent amount. Bright colors does hurt his eyes. Not him being used to work in a dark corner of his flat.

"Oh! We're here." The blonde's voice caught Espresso's attention. The brunette fixed his glasses before taking a deep breath. "Oh Espresso. You got nothing to worry about! The director is really nice. No need to worry about things too much." Banoffee softly spoke as he fluttered his fan above his nose.

It's not that Espresso is worried about the person behind that big door, it's because of the reason he might not be qualified for the job and he won't be able to be hired. Then, he has to look for another job to enter. Which is difficult in these trying times. But, he has to. He have hopes that he will get accepted into this new job.

"Let's just hope for the best, my dear friend..."

And with that, Espresso opens the door.

Banoffee Cookie belongs to my friend, @dreamiiiiie both on Twitter and Instagram !!!

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