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"Oh my gosh..."Bruno covered his mouth, Dolores Fainted but luckily Mariano caught her, Luisas mouth was wide open shocked, Pepa would have probably be Raining by now, And Antonio was Uncomfortable.

" You have a problem? " Ella grabbed her brothers hand, And went infront of him "No! Not at all! We...just..come in our Casita with us please?we can explain-" Felix suggested, Ella started to make the skies cloudy "Are-Ar-Are you doing that?" Pepa Asked Ella "Yes...sadly" Ella squeaked "Big sis We should go back now" John said shyly as they walked to The Casita "not now John, Anyway..why do you want us to come with you?"Ella mumbled, Julieta and Isabella saw Alot of Mirabel in her...she had Purple glasses and curly long hair...a dress with Butterflys on it and a bow her hair was half up half down too "Y-your mother is...Mirabel?" Abuela said "yeah..." John hid behind Ella "Then were your Family...I am your great Abuela" Alma sounded Happy and she kneeled down and held Ella's hand but Ella pulled it back "No..." Ella stuttered "you guys..are nice..you cant-"
The Madrigals Were confused, John started to cry "what? Yes we are! Believe me! Mirabel is my granddaughter!" Abuela Smiled but it turned into a frown when Ella took several steps back as the sky's turned Dark and cloudy "Are- Are you okay?, I haven't seen this weather since...My wedding day" Pepa Sighed, she tried to Get closer but Ella Just kept stepping back "Go away...go back to your dumb little Miracle..." Ella shouted, that family's eyes widened, the Younger Children watched for Casitas Door (Casita is rebuilt but no Magical moving house thing) "It's not dumb!" Antonio Gasped "Then why...did my mother leave.." Ella looked at the ground as it started to rain "WHY DID MY MOTHER LEAVE IF YOUR MIRACLE ISNT DUMB?!" Ella Shouted, her ears started to bleed when she did "I-" a vine was ready to launch at anyone if they came near "Hey!" Kendall and the rest of the kids tried to Interfere "That's our Family your talking to!respect your elders!" Kendall Shouted, John Covered Ella's ears "suck it up...ýou don't even know who Mirabel is...she's a monarch, a friend, A godmother,  A loving person who heals the Mind.. and a mother But most importantly...Not Giftless " Ella turned away, The Madrigals were hallucinating that its how Mirabel left them "we will be back..but not for your Blinded mind sakes" Ella said harshly then took off onto a roof of a house then into the forest...Abuela Alma had Failed again..."Mami- it's alright..." Julieta comforted her while they went inside.
"ELLA!! JOHNN!!!" Mirabel Shouted "Where are they?! They were supposed to be here 10 mins ago!!" Christopher exclaimed "I hope nothing bad has happened..." Mirabel hugged Christopher "Mami!" The kids came out of the forest "Ella!John!" Mirabel hugged them both "We met some annoying people on the other side of the Mountains, I was guessing their your parents and family....I don't like them" Ella Muttered "YOU WENT TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAINS?!"

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