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We spent a few days with the family, going on little adventures and taking pictures of everyone.

It was finally the day of my surprise for Johnny. I had packed our bags and snuck them into my dad's car, and my dad had sorted the directions for me. So we got in the car after saying bye to the kids, not that they were not bothered because they were with Nana and Papa and their new best buddies.
We stopped off at the supermarket to get supplies for the trip. After almost an hour of roaming the shop alone, because Jon hid in the car so he didn't get spotted, I noticed a few people staring at me. Thankfully, No one came up to me. I exited the shop as quickly as possible; I packed the bags into the backseat and returned to the road.

"So baby, where are we going?"

"Well, Jonny, we are going to a cabin up in the hills for a few days. So get away from everything and have a breather. Maybe do some walking, get out in nature and have fun."

"How did you manage to plan all of this?"

"My dad helped me; his old friend has the cabin. So, he contacted him and sorted it all out for us. It will be good for both of us to have a break and connect again."

"Thank you, baby girl."

"Don't thank me yet; wait until we see the place first."

"That sounds ominous."

"Well, I know it's not the luxury you are used to. When he bought it, it was just a small two-room cabin, but I know he has made some modern upgrades. I know it has heating and a fireplace, so at least we will be warm."

"You make it sound like I've never lived outside the luxury lifestyle. And I'm pretty sure we can keep each other warm."

"I didn't mean it as an insult, and I just meant it's not a 5-star hotel with all the amenities at hand. But, yeah, I don't doubt you could warm me up anytime, day or night; we've got three kids to prove that point."

We still had another couple hours of driving before we reached the cabin; we were out in the back ends of nowhere, and all that surrounded us were woods, hills and skies. Finally, Jon nodded off, even though he was meant to give me my directions, so I ended up with them in my lap.
With another hour to go, I desperately needed the toilet, and I knew I could never hold it till we got there. There was a turnoff up the road a little ways ahead; I pulled into the road and found a lay-by with some trees behind it.
I hopped out of the car and ran into the trees; I heard my name being hollered just as I relieved my bladder.

"Cori, where the hell are you?"
"I'm having a pee break and will return in a second."
"You're what??? You are peeing outside??"
"Hush boy, I'm coming now!"
"I can make you come."
I pulled up my pants, returned to the car, and hopped into the driver's seat.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"
"Well, you were out cold, and I was busting a nut trying to hold on. I needed to go before I pissed myself."

"Do you remember when we first visited your family and the amazing sex we had in your car in a forest lane?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"Oh fuck yeah, that feels like a lifetime or two ago. That was some good sex right there. We have plenty of time for shagging in a forest once we get to the cabin; I want to get there before it gets dark so I don't miss any turnings in the dark. I can see where your mind is going right now, Bongiovi."

"Pity, we could have had some really good fun in the back seat. Let's get to this cabin then." He looked a little deflated, thinking I was turning him down.

"Jonny, I want nothing more than to have you banging my brains out, but it's getting darker, and we don't wanna get lost and end up living in the wild forever."

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