The Fire Dancer

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The hot desert sands were nothing below his bare feet. He could see the horizon waver from the heat as he arrived at the palace, head held high and chest puffing out.
On his hip, a curved sword, made by the best blacksmith in the empire and gifted by his majesty himself. He wore the ceremony uniform given to him on the day he became the commander of his troops and wore ever since to give the news of their victories.

Today, however, as he walked past the many statues of the Ventraxian Gods and Goddesses that roamed before them, Avocato had no idea as to why his majesty had asked for his presence.
There had been no war, no battle, and there wouldn’t be one soon thanks to him.

Yet, for some reason, the king had asked for him, had asked he wore the ceremonial clothes and meet him in the throne room.

“Your Majesty, the sun” the guards at the tall doors announced as they pushed the doors open “Commander Avocato”

Inside the vast room, upon a throne was the ginger Ventraxian Avocato grew to know since a child, his beard groomed and crown neatly placed upon his head.
He smiled upon seeing Avocato, brushing a hand past his furry chin as he welcomed him

“Avocato! My old friend” he called with delight, opening his arms brightly

“I greet this empire’s sun” Avocato bowed in greeting

“Ah- you and your politeness” the king rolled his eyes “when will you ever break the rules, hm? Live a little”

“If I break the rules I would have to detain myself” Avocato said with his usual blank face, although with humor “May I ask why you called upon me, Sire?”

“Right to the point” the king laughed, humming once calm “Avocato, the Serepatians are on their way to our palace” he began, leaning forwards “they bear gifts for our new alliance and I’d like to welcome them with open arms”

“You just want to party, dont you” Avocato said with a playful smile

The king barked with laughter, hand over his belly as if Avocato was the funniest man alive.

“That I do” his majesty wiped a tera from his eye with a chuckle, clearing his throat to proceed with his conversation “I am thinking of a large party, mixing both cultures together” he lift his arms to emphasize, gesturing towards the beyond with wide dreaming eyes.

“But, I myself, have never been nor do I know much about their culture” he hummed, hand returning to his beard “apart from the sacrifices”

Something Avocato never truly liked about his king was that he was a fool and a coward. Old friend, yes, but the empire would’ve been in ruins hadn’t Avocato or the Queen interjected in certain things.
Unlike other royals, the king did not ride into battle with the other, choosing to hide away and send Avocato in his stead…ence why he never left the empire (apart to party).

“I shall give the servants some helpful tips” Avocato offered only because he knew thats what he was asking of him.

“My! Thank you, Avocato!” the king laughed joyfully as he pushed more responsibility upon Avocato’s shoulders.

That’s how he ended up here, overworked but forced to go to a party he knew he wouldn’t enjoy. At least he could stuff his face with alcohol and food but even then he'd have to keep his composure as he’s a commander. He needed to keep his name clean.

The party was bright, pillows set around for others to sit comfortably, rows upon rows of food and spices served as servants walked amongst the royals, making sure their cups were always full to the brim.

The Fire Dancer - Garycato (One shot)Where stories live. Discover now