Chapter Two

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The small male walked past them, closing the olden door up tightly, so that the room now fell with a new-found silence, as the two just watched him, with a curiousity that was bwildering.

"Levi? What did you do that for?"

The male asked, with a soft lace of concern about his tone, as he slowly walked with the girl closer to the smaller male, only to pushed away from him as he walked into the middle of the room. His fists now gripped tightly down by his sides as he stood there, now daring to show his pain filled grey eyes to the pair. The pain he felt was not a physical pain, but an emotional pain... One that the pair knew he felt so very well.

"When will you both leave me alone? When will I let go of you?!"

Levi cried out, soon gritting his teeth together to prevent him bursting out with pain and emotion, something that he had always keep hidden and covered over well. He looked down at his hands, which contained ripped Survey Corps logo's like the one's he wore proudly upon his tan jacket, blood staining the white of the wings and the bottom part of the frayed cloth. He then turned his attention back to the pair, who were stood there with a smile upon their pale faces, now walking and standing before Levi; who seemed to forget how to be emotionless and allowed the tears he had hidden for months now, fall slowly and silently down his cheeks, falling onto the cloth of the jackets he held so tightly, so dearly. Without another word, the pair hugged Levi tightly, as he gripped tightly onto their capes that they wore so proudly, like they had that day...

"A-Actually aniki, that's why we're here."

"Mhm, Isabel's right, we wanted to tell you that we're leaving now."

They both smiled warmly, as they pulled back from the emotional wreck they was once called 'brother', only to see him crying silent tears. He couldn't process for the life of him what they meant by them 'leaving'. where would they go to? Why would they go? But then, it hit him. Hit him harder than a tonne of bricks, harder than the impending force of a Titans bite. They were leaving him for good, they wouldn't ever be coming back to him now, they were finally going to be at peace.

"No.. Please.. Don't leave. I regret that choice! I was stupid to leave you both on your own in that fog!"

Levi pleaded, he knew he couldn't change their minds, but he needed to say these words, he needed them to know how sorry he was for that dreadful expedition and how he would always carry that burden around with him.

"Oh come now aniki! You made the right choice, you don't have or need to regret anything, because we sure don't. We trusted you then and we trust you now, we always will, even if we're no longer here."

Isabel spoke with a proud child-like voice, just as she always had to him, which made him smile in the least before he witnessed the pair of them sprout white and blue wings from their backs.

"We have to go now Levi. I will always trust you, and always have your back. No matter what."

"Yeah! You'll always be my aniki!"

Farlan and Isabel waved a silent goodbye, as they both now turned towards the old wooden door, which was now nothing more than a bright tunnel of light. Taking Isabel's hand in his own, Farlan walked with her towards the bright light of heavens warm and inviting hold. They both turned just before the entrance, to silently mouth one last 'goodbye' before then turning and walking into the light, their wings proudly spread out far as possible, the light now disappearing as they walked off into what seemed like nothing more than a sunset.

"Wings.. Wings of Freedom."

Levi whispered into the air as his friends - no. His family, now had finally been allowed to rest in peace, knowing that Levi had finally been able to say what was on his mind and that no matter what, he made the right choice in their eyes.

He made a choice without regrets... But had he truely made the right choice?

A Choice Without Regrets?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora