The battle...

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Homosexual 1:*hits with hammer*
Homoseuxal 2:*Flys away*
Homosexual 1:rest well no more suffering
Homosexual 2:*deaded*
Homosexual 1:*smacks*
Homosexual 2: AAAAAAAA
Homosexual 1:*pulls weave,shoves stick up ass*
Homosexual 2:*rises*
Homosexual 2:🩴🩴🩴🩴
Homosexual 1:oh
Homosexual 2:*throws shoe*
Homosexual 1:*grabs white male*
Homosexual 2:AAAAAAA
Homosexual 1:STRAIGHT white male
Homosexual 1:*throws*
Homosexual 2:*shoots*🔫
Homosexual 1:*falls*
Homosexual 1:*hits head on vecnussys phat ass*
Homosexual 1:*head bounces off vecnussys phat ass*
Homosexual 2:*drags outside into the sun*
Homosexual 1:*burns*
Homosexual 2:*grabs ankle*NO SUNSCREEN
Homosexual 1:*turns into rotisserie chicken*
Homosexual 2:*drags to church*
Homosexual 1:turning red fr
Homosexual 2: *drags to church kitchen*
Homosexual 1:*shimmers*
Homosexual 2:*throws into pot*
Homosexual 1:*screams in agony*
Homosexual 2:*seasons*
Homosexual 1:*bites*
Homosexual 2:*pours hot sauce into eye*
Homosexual 1:*twerks on soup*
Homosexual 2:*smacks down and closes lid*
Homosexual 1:*becomes soup bender*
Homosexual 2:😨😨😨😨
Homosexual 1:I am Moana of matuni
Homosexual 2:*throws soup outside*
Homosexual 1:*falls*
Homosexual 2:*puts the soup in fire*
Homosexual 1:*hits head on rock*
Homosexual 2:*drags back to fire*
Homosexual 1:*stands up*
Homosexual 1:NO PLS IM SORRY
Homosexual 2:*drags into fire*
Homosexual 1:*hands and knees*
Homosexual 1:AUGHHH
Homosexual 1:*sizzles*
Homosexual 1:*screams in agony and pain*
Homosexual 2:☺
Homosexual 1:*screams as tears fill my hazel orbs*
Homosexual 1:*clenches fist and jaw*
Homosexual 2:*pours gasoline on head*
Homosexual 1:*sizzles in fire*
Homosexual 2:*puts match on head*
Homosexual 1:*screams in suffering and pain*
Homosexual 2:yo I think i burnt my chicken
Homosexual 1:*hopelessness fills my soul as I give up accepting my fate of being turned into a rotisserie chicken*
Homosexual 1:*but atleast I was seasoned..*
Homosexual 1:*cries silently as my ass turns into crispness and falls to ashes right before my eyes..*
Homosexual 2:*puts out fire and puts back in pot*
Homosexual 1:*stares into brown orbs*
Homosexual 2:*takes eyes*
Homosexual 1:*becomes chrissy*
Homosexual 2:*puts in trash bag,goes outside and sets bag on fire again*
Homosexual 2:it's time to drink more water🤭*pours gasoline*
Homosexual 1:*suffers in silence as my soul is shattered..(what did I do to deserve this!?..I've been good right I've been a good girl i thought..)thoughts filled my head as my coochie and ass fall apart right infront of my lifeless depressing hazel orbs as I give up and accept my fate*
Homosexual 1:*(Eyes slam shut as I just want to die already but this mexican despecito sleeping beauty is torching hurts it hurts I can't do It no more I want this to end..tears prickled my hazel orbs as I let out a blood curdling scream..a scream a pain..a scream of sorrow...a scream of fear...a scream of hopelessness...and a scream for this to stop..*

Homosexual 1:*i accept my fate as I lay down on the hot charcoal and my ass and coochie turn to ashes this is the end its over finally my time has come as I begin to close my eyes and let myself finally go to peace...*
Homosexual 2:*plays despecito*

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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