Just saying now that there isn't gonna be Any like hatred between harry and louis, I don't personally like writing that sort of thing between the two so yeah lol. It's also gonna be a short sweet fic.

As louis wasn't tired he decided to pull one last prank. This time he was keeping it on this floor and decided to do one of his band mates. He wasn't gonna do zayn because he was dragged round with louis for hours. Niall wouldn't have a reaction, being dead to the world in his sleep. He'd actually end up kicking louis in the balls and louis didn't want that. Liam was put on a different floor last minute because of a wrong booking for someone else. The only other option would be harry. Louis knows that harry stays up quite late so his best bets are him.

He pulls on his slippers and grabs his phone and master key. Louis remembers the receptionist telling harry that his room was 430 so it's only a couple of doors down.

When he reaches the room he puts his ear close to the door seeing if he can hear any movement inside. He couldn't but louis was fairly sure that harry would be awake.

Nonetheless he used his master key to open the door. Slowly, the door inches open and louis peers inside.

For a second he thought he went into the wrong room as he saw someone wearing boots and a skirt, things he hasn't seen harry wear before. But he was proven wrong when he looked up. Harry was sat on the bed, pink t-shirt and skirt covered body, scrolling through his phone. To say he was shocked would be an understatement. Not a bad shocked, just a surprised, happy shocked. Louis personally thought harry looked great.

"Harry?" Louis found himself saying.

Harry's head shot up, his eyes widened looking like a deer struck with headlights. Louis could see the panic flush all over Harry's face, looking scared.

Was he scared that I'd judge him? Louis thought.

He saw Harry's eyes flicker from Louis to the door that was still open. Louis made quick work in closing it, hoping it would make harry feel a bit better.

Nothing was said and the two lads just kept staring at eachother. Harry was fidgeting under louis' gaze feeling extremely judged right now, he grabbed the throw he brings with him and places it over his bottom half.

"u-uhm hi." Louis stutters out but harry stays quiet, not trusting his voice.

"I like your skirt." He tries saying instead. At this harry lifts his head up from where it dropped and looks at louis as if he doesn't believe him.

Slowly, louis makes his way to the end of the bed and sits down next to harry. The younger lad still doesn't say anything and only wraps his arms around himself, trying to hide his body. Louis doesn't say anything purely for the fact of not knowing what to say and harry wants the ground to swallow him up.

He never wanted any of this to happen, he didn't want his secret to be out to another person. It's even worse that it's louis, the guy he's had a crush on since forever. He probably thinks I'm a right weirdo, harry thought.

The silence was killing him, why isn't he saying anything? Is he that disgusted? Harry wants to cry. Like full on breakdown.

Harry is still looking down when louis reaches out to play with one of his braids. His cheeks flare up in heat and he continues playing with his fingers, his heart beating way too fast.

"Aren't you disgusted?" Harry speaks, the first words since louis came in.

A look of confusion spreads over louis' face. "Why on earth would I be disgusted?" He asks incredulously.

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