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The woods were quiet, the musky smell of the moss in the early morning wrapped around Guillaume like a thick blanket. He had his bow and arrow ready, his eye not missing a thing that was happening. This year he would be the one winning the Hunters Prize, not Baptiste. He was looking for something like a partrdige or better a deer. A twig snapped behind him, he turned so fast he almost lost his balance, his arrow ready to fly.
"Whoa calm down Guillaume, it's just me," said the boy who had almost given him a heart attack.
"Pour l'amour du ciel! Arthur, I could've shot you," he gasped. 
"Yeah sure," Arthur mocked. Guillaume rolled with his eyes. And then he saw what was hanging over Arthur's shoulder, three fat partridges. Arthur noticed Guillaume's staring, "Oui, all by myself. Not much luck for you though."
"No, I was saving my energy for the big lot. You know does and boars and other stuff like that, mais j'avoue that if I had seen a hare by now it would make this competition a lot easier," Guillaume sighed. 

"Don't lose the hope. I will look with you for a doe, if we find one, I'll let you kill it," Arthur said. 
They continued their search for anything bigger than a partridge or a rabbit. They kept walking and arrived at an open spot. 
"I guess you'll have no luck today, mon gars," Arthur sighed. He was right, Guillaume should've shot those rabbits, at least it would've given him something to present to the jury.
"Non! I cannot go back to the Village and have nothing to show, they will think me a failure. I'll shoot anything, I need something," he said and he turned his gaze to Arthur who wasn't looking at him anymore but at something behind Guillaume. 
"Guillaume...whatever you do, don't shoot now," he breathed. Guillaume dared to turn around slowly and there stood between the pine-trees a wolf, as white as snow and eyes glowing red like rubies. 
"Let's go before it think it's being threatened," Arthur whispered. 
But Guillaume wasn't listening, he was nocking an arrow and slowly raising his bow to the animal. 
"Guillaume, fais pas le con," Arthur begged. The wolf was still not moving, it was calculating, looking at the two men in front of him. 
"I'm going to shoot it," Guillaume whispered. But before the arrow could fly Arthur threw himself against Guillaume to make him fall and lose his focus. 
"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Guillaume yelled. But Arthur didn't reply, he was screaming. Guillaume pushed himself half up and saw the white wolf dragging Arthur away from him by his leg. 
Guillaume was not understanding what happened. He crawled up and looked at the scene happening in front of him, completely dazed. 
"GUILLAU-" Arthur's cry was cut by a gurgling sound, and then no sounds at all except for the grunting of the wolf who's mouth was now coloured a vivid red. Arthurs throat was gone, blood was spurting from his mouth and where his throat used to be. 

Guillaume as if struck by lightning started looking around for his bow, he found it a little further and nocked his arrow back in place, then he fired at the white monster. But he missed. 
The wolf had seen this, and he now turned his gleaming red eyes on Guillaume.  
"You stay away from me, Demon," Guillaume panted, nocking a second arrow and aiming directly at the wolfs head. He was ready to fire when the wolf pounced and knocked him over, sinking his fangs into Guillaume's neck. And then with one tug Guillaume was gone, with two lethal rubies staring at him as a last sight. 

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