Dinner Prep - 4

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Hiiii kids! Sorry, i didn't publishhhhh I've been hella busy w school n that crap but ima try carry on U:SF :) Should i change the title? It's so long ahhhhhhhhhhhh...

Hehehheheh im shipping mary and chris hehe. leave a comment and upvote, please, cos i need friends <3


Kris was nice. I liked her; well, as much a machine can. Kris had invited me to a workers' dinner at 'Jon Jack's' 

Now, as an Android, I need somewhere to stay. I can't just sleep in the temporary Android stay bays every night for all my life. In the police force, or at least at Lewis station, robots stayed in dormitories located at the very top of the building. And guess who got assigned to be with me? That's right, Chris. This meant that Chris would me her naturally judgemental yet charming self while we got ready for dinner.

I had gotten to know Chris a lot in the last few days. She was absolutely amazing at chess, while I could barely grasp the names of those weird pin things that it used. She had a (probably) unhealthy obsession with painting and ran a paint shop. She was actually originally made to be an artist robot. She was a model AA72-F25 (Android artist, serial number 72, female, and made in 3025, making me 3 years older than her.

"MARY-BOO," She bellowed as she ran across the hall and swung some horrendous sparkly dresses on my bed.
"Chris, I am not wearing that."


"When hell freezes over, Ri."
"You're no fun," She whispered playfully.
"What do you plan on wearing then?"
"This, duh," I pointed out.
Chris looked me up and down, taking in my black sweatpants and tank top.
"Oh. My. God... No honey, just no. You look like an ever so slightly younger version of the old lady that runs reception at work. " She laughed.

I sprung off my bed and ran to the closet, which gracefully opened at my rash movements. I put on a new outfit.

It was a black tank top matched with a jacket I had received from the US Marines before I was recommissioned for Lewis Station.
I had dark whitewashed jeans and wore rainbow sequin covered Converse.

"You. look. AMAZE. " Chris struggled to say. She released a little squeal of excitement as she dragged me out the door on our way to the diner.

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