to the day some where he is there

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Lenalee was walking with her legs and went to a pasty shop. They were sellin donuts, cronuts, peanuts, and apple fritters. She wanted to order a peanut, and had the money in her hand while looking at the peanut. She handed the peanut, and then handed the money. THe transaction was completed and she ate the peanut right there in the shop.

Suddenly Lavi fell through the roof of the pastry shop and he swalloed a donut hole. That was illegal. How dare he. The shop store manager owner CEO threw him into the street where he belonged. "Ouch, my butt." Renal E did not care. She just ate her peanut and was ready to go home. As she walked home with her legs, she witnessed Allen Walker walking as well with his legs.

"Hi Allen, I just ate a peanut.""Was it good""No"

Allen laughed and then continued walking on the walking path where he was walking until he saw Lenalee walking on the walking path.

Little did Lenalee know, Komui was sneakin around. He was so sneaky that she didn't noticed him sneaking. When a stranger stood on the walking path and she said hello, Komui blasted out of a bush and pointed his finger at him and shooted the finger out of a robot hand into the poor stranger's eye. "That was my eye, why would you do this to me, you fuck. I'm going to drown your goldfish."

Komui ran away and took his goldfish with him.

Lenalee was now angry, and chased Komui and snapped his spine in half with her legs. "You just lost your spine privileges you stupid piece of uncultured cheese."

She was tired now and wanted to sit on a bench and think some thoughts. Her thoughts were good thoughts, in her head. She was thinkin about cronuts and decided she wanted to go get some cronuts, but she wasn't hungry because she already ate a peanut. "Another day, another missed opportunity" she sighed and kicked a rock so hard that it embedded in a wall across the street.

and then

Kanda.He was just there. Lenalee stuck her middle finger at him and then went home. Bitch.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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