Moon Dust

801 17 42

TW: Angst, lore, and flashbacks.

Y/n's Pov:

I woke to the beeping sound of my heartbeat in a machine.

I don't remember falling asleep. 

What's going on?

I opened my eyes, finding myself in a white room. My head hurt immensely, and my insides felt as if they had been ingredients in a milkshake, then microwaved. My T-shirt, sweatpants and converse had been replaced by a hospital gown, and my shoes were off. My arms were bandaged, all the way to my shoulder, and there was a little water sack connected to me through needles injected into my hand. I felt sore, and numb as if I had just run a marathon, and even though I had just woken up, I wanted to go back to sleep.

I turned to my right to find a sleeping body.


His hair was dishevelled (more than usual) and there were eyebags under his eyes. He had plenty of new cuts, from the fight, I assumed, and a plaster on his cheek. His cheeks were sunken, his skin was paler, and he looked like he hadn't had a good meal or a good night's sleep, for weeks. He looked insanely tired, as if something had drained the life out of him. His hand rested on mine. It was about to slip out, but it stayed there, our fingers loosely interlocked.

I struggled to call his name. "Percy."

My voice was raspy, broken, and cracked. It sounded as if I had been screaming for eight hours.

Percy's head fell from his hand, waking him up. When he saw that I was awake, he hugged me fiercely. 

His arms were cold, yet comforting. I hugged him back, as tight as he did, resulting in him shedding some tears.

Someone walked into the room. Her face was sad, and her grey eyes were puffy and lifeless. Her blonde, curly hair was up in a messy ponytail, and her face was paler than before. She seemed lifeless as if her soul left her body, and only the sadness and body remained.

In the door, stood an unrecognizable Annabeth.

 "Percy," she sniffled. "George said visitor's time is over."

Percy pulled apart. I smiled at Annabeth. "Hi, Anna."

Annabeth frowned. "Y/n?" Our eyes met, and her spirit seemed to flood back. "Y/n!"

She ran over to hug me quickly. A few tears were shed, but nothing more. Annabeth seemed more alive now.

"I'll call Will," she said hurriedly. "And the rest."

And with that, she left. Percy sat on my bed, and we interlocked hands again.

"It's nice to see you too, Seaweed Brain," I forced out.

A warm tear fell on my hand as he kissed it. "I thought I lost you."

I combed his hair with my fingers. "You'll never lose me."

With that, I pulled him in for a kiss. It was short, but there were plenty of emotions happening. He held my waist as I pulled him closer.

A tugging feeling in my gut caused me to pull away. I started coughing harshly, the feeling I was about to choke nearing. Percy grabbed a bucket from under the bed, and I coughed into it.

What I saw in the bucket, was insanely strange.

With every cough, a bunch of sparkly dust came out into the bowl. I didn't know what it was, but it wasn't good.

The coughing died down. "What—"

"Will told me that may happen if you woke up," Percy told me.

"What do you mean by 'if I woke up'?"

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