Part 5

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"What do you want from me?" I ask, becoming frightened.

"You know what I want." They say, their voice low and raspy.

"I don't even know who you are!" I yell.

"Have you done this to me?" I ask, rolling up the sleeve of my jacket to reveal one of the bruises that had still not gone away.

"Have you?" They question, rolling up their sleeve to reveal the same bruise. And with that, they turn and walk away, disappearing behind the street corner, leaving me confused as to what just happened.

At the frustration I feel at my confusion, tears threaten to pour from my eyes. Despite my willing myself not to cry, a single tear rolls down my face anyway. Weakness is something I don't want to show if this thing is still hanging around somewhere. After a moment of thinking, I decide to take matters into my own hands and figure out this mess on my own.

I burst through the door of my apartment and sit down at the table in my kitchen. Catching my breath, I rest my head in my hands and close my eyes as tightly as I can until it feels like if I would close them any tighter, they would fuse together. All that comes up though, is nothing. Just like before when I was sitting at the police station, in this same position too. Anger wells up inside of me and I slam my fists down onto the table's old wooden surface and let out a scream. For a moment I feared the table would break upon impact, but luckily, only a small crack formed where my left fist is. I try to steady my rapid breathing and look around, trying also to tame the raging storm that is my mind.

Maybe I'll take a walk...

I get up from where I'm sitting and walk out the door, locking it behind me. Letting a sigh escape my lips as I exit the apartment building, I put my long messy hair behind my ears and walk hastily down the sidewalk. The sun has gone behind a large grey cloud, making it easy to see as I survey my surroundings. A constant feeling of being on edge has taken over me ever since the incident at the shop window. Turning the street corner, I walk to the park at the edge of town and continue towards one of the walking trails leading into the dense woods. I always used to come here when I had a lot on my mind; it always helped me clear my head. Let's see if it helps me this time.

I've been walking for about a half hour, but my thoughts still have not lessened in their torment. I stop suddenly, a cold chill blows through the air and I wrap my arms around myself. Along with the whispering of the wind, I am almost certain I heard someone actually whisper something. To me. I hold my breath and listen.

"Turn around."

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