A broken leg and strong energies

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POV's Gilbert

Long story short, anne is wearing  crutches and we are doing a interducion day!

-well hello class! Im exited to see you all! Im gonna interduce the new student and you guys can interduce yourselves! So this is anne shirley-cuthbert, she broke her ankle while coming to school today, that's why class is an hour late.

-yeah... im sorry about that.- anne said

-dont be, it wasn't your fault!- i answered

Poor thing, she fell and was feeling bad about it

Yn gave me a little smile in a vibe "im onto you!" and I smiled back, cause im not afraid.

Anyways, we did some interductons and it was break time.

I was walking arround with billy and moody when i saw anne trying to go through some stairs with her crutches and her lunch bag, obviously it was dificult for her.

- look at the  foster girl, she cant even walk haha! She's a sad orfan girl who was probably left by her parents, for being stupid!-billy mocked

-shut up billy!- i said

-what did you say?

-he said: shut up,billy!are you deaf or are you that stupid you cant even hear when people say smart stuf?- my sister answered, glad to now she takes after her big bro!

-im sorry,what?


-you cant be serious! You're choosing a sad orfan girl over your friend?

-no, im choosing a lovely, smart,beautiful girl over an ashole!-i looked at everyone:my sis and miss stacy were smiling, the girl seemed quite shocked, and anne was trying to stay still but she couldn't because of her crutches.-and for gods sake somebody help anne!

I went over there and took her lunchbox, helping her up the stairs

POV's miss stacy

Enough is enough

-billy! I have heard you mock many students of mine, and i will not take it! I am discusted to inform you that i will have to call a responsible of yours!- i said

-don't bother,miss stacy! I'll tell my parents to come here first thing when im back!-prissy said

-prissy? You're supost to be in billy's side! Not the stupid orfans!-jane said- your choosing an ugly,probably dumb person over your family?thats dumb,you're an asshole!

-prissy...could you please...-I started saying

-yes,i will tell my parents about jane as well!what goes arround,comes arround, dear siblings!

-im gonna see what my brother and Anne are up to.

I got there and i saw them,they're so cute,ofc i took another picture!

(I know theres no chopsticks, but im doing a more evolved thing ig!)

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(I know theres no chopsticks, but im doing a more evolved thing ig!)

Yn blithe! [jerry baynard]Where stories live. Discover now