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Freya went and looked over the spell over and over again and she was sure she did it perfectly, yet she couldn't understand what that glitch in the bathtub was.

"Seems like I underestimated you my love" Freya said looking at Juliette.

Juliette was back under the spell as far as Freya knew so it was time to continue her plan.

Juliette being an Original Legacy Vampire made what she was going to do so much easier.

Freya drew a huge circle and instructed Juliette to step inside it. After complying, Freya lit the candles around the circle and started her incantation.

After a few minutes, she paused and handed Juliette a bottle containing blood to drink. Without hesitation, Juliette drinks it and Freya smiles, continuing her incantation.

In an instant the clouds were clear and the moon was out, Freya waited until she heard exactly what she was waiting for... cracking

Juliette screamed in pain as all the bones in her body broke. It lasted a while until she had transformed into a werewolf.

Freya stood back smirking at her accomplishment. She had barrier-proof the circle so Freya knew she was safe. She couldn't say the same for the next guy though.

She wanted to see what Juliette could do in her wolf form so she dragged an unconscious guy and threw him into the circle.

Watching Juliette tear the guy to shreds she just stood back and laughed.

"This is going to be so much fun" Freya said smirking.


The morning had arisen and Juliette was back to her human form.

"What happened?" She asked looking at her naked body covered in blood.

"You've evolved" Freya said before handing her a blood bag.

"Evolved how?" Juliette asked

"I turned you into a hybrid" Freya said excitingly

Juliette stared at her for a minute before shrugging her shoulders. She didn't have any care.

She felt nothing!

Juliette got dressed and they went on their way.

Freya wanted to test out her powers using Juliette's new transition.

She held onto Juliette and channeled her power source.

"Incendia" She said watching a whole building blow up into flames.

Both looked at each other smiling after watching the building ablaze.

She was going to have everything she wanted.


Calliope had brought the whole family together to tell them she knew where Juliette was.

So here they were both the Burns and Fairmonts venturing to the location Calliope had told them but when they got there, it was too late.

Freya and Juliette were gone and the only thing they saw was a burning building and no side of Juliette anywhere.

Calliope was losing it, she had held it together for this long but was so close to finding her girlfriend just to not make it in time. She had lost it!

She slowly walked away before she let out the biggest scream she had in her.

Cal screamed and screamed until she broke down.

It hurt the whole family to see her like that, including Elinor and she's normally the tough one but she started to be fond of Calliope so she could understand what she felt.

Talia held her daughter as she watched her break down crying in her arms. She felt helpless not being able to give her what she truly wanted.

"I think I might know where they are going" Theo said breaking up the sad moment

"Where?" Apollo asked.

"I found this near the building" Theo said holding up a paper with a list of covens marked on it and there were only 2 remainings.

"I actually know where these covens reside, I've been there before" Theo explained.

"Let's go!" Calliope said, not wanting to waste any more time getting to Juliette.


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