Stonathan <3333

331 6 2

Sad_lesbian: Steve

Sad_lesbian: Steve

Sad_lesbian: Steve

Sad_lesbian: Steve

MotherSteven: WHAT

Sad_lesbian: Why Johnathan

MotherSteven: wdym

DustyBuns: she means why did you make out with Johnathan

MotherSteven: bc the fight

Sad_lesbian: what

Nancydrewwho: The fight are you serious

CameraMan: you like me bc the Fight

MotherSteven: you look good under me ;)

Fruit_Snacks: STOP

Fruit_Snacks: GET A ROOM

Sad_Lesbian: Dustin

Dustybun: Yes..

Sad_Lesbian: what happened to suzie

Dustybun: We broke up on mutual terms

Sad_Lesbian: so your still friends right

Dustybun: Yes..

Sad_Lesbian: Add her 🤩

~Dustybun added Suzie to the chat~

Suzie: why what huh?

Dustybun: Suzie my friend and other people are on here say hi 😊

Suzie: Oh Hello.

✨PowersBitch✨: Hello

BikeWheels: hi

Just pretend they all said hi I don't feel like typing that .

Suzie: Some of the names are not appropriate.

Dustybun: just leave it they don't care

Suzie: Ok!

~MotherSteven changed Suzies name to The Second favorite~

TheSecondFavorite: Thank you.

Fruit_Snacks: so if she is like the second favorite who is the first

MotherSteven: Shit

TheSecondFavorite: no cussing Bitch.

MotherSteven: you just- what

TheSecondFavorite: That was my sister Eden I apologize.

Fruit_Snacks: It's alright Suzie don't worry.

TheSecondFavorite: Ok it's getting late good night.

Everyone: Gn

I don't know what to write I have like 18 missing assignments. Again  opinions on adding the black phone and Bunk'd and just maybe Boris and Theo. Thanks <3

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