Chapter One: Soft and simple beginings

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Chapter One: Soft and simple beginnings

The cold days of November just started. The leaves have fallen from the trees, the cherry blossom tree petals have been flowing down like snow. it hasn't started to snow yet it wasn't cold enough but in the air, you could feel that snow was coming. The fall festival had everyone excited. The original trio of Dan went to the grocery store to get food and products for the apartment because Seto noticed that they were out of a lot of stuff like cereal and milk and the supplies for the dinner tonight.

"Kano, will you and Seto go and get cereal and milk while I will get the dinner stuff. well? I'll see what they have" said Kido.

"Okay. Well, what happens if there is a terrorist attack? " Kano said with a stupid smile

"There won't be a terrorist attack. Idiot!" Kido yelled with frustration. "Okay, I'm leaving bye" She walked away putting her earphone in.

Kano and Seto walked away to the cereal section. "That wasn't very funny Kano. I think you made her mad."Seto said while looking back at Kido in the other aisle.

"Oh c'mon you know I was kidding with her." Kano said.

"Well yeah but you know she doesn't like the way you joke around and don't even think about trying to fix it with another joke." Seto explained.

a few minutes later Kido comes back and says "I got the supplies for sushi, Seto, I got the rice, the crab, the cream cheese, and all the other ingredients."

"Okay well I got the cereal and the milk while Kano was making a YouTube video about living with us in an apartment and what we do during the day," said Seto


"Who knows" Seto shrugged.

"Well let's check out and go home," Kano said while taking the basket out from Kido's hand and walking over to the self-checkout counter.

"Hello Please scan your Items and place the objects in the Designated area." The robotic female voice said. Kano scanned the groceries and paid the money. They walked out of the store talking about why Kano was making a Youtube video.

"Okay, the apartment is three miles away if we walk fast enough we can get there before the rest of the dan get to our apartment we can get ready and still have time to set up to make some of the sushi," said Kido while bending down and putting the groceries in her backpack.

"But we can run and get ready for the mile tomorrow, well like warm-up?" said Kano."

"Yeah let's do it!" yelled Seto

"Well you're not carrying a backpack full of groceries!" yelled kido.

"Shh! There are people around us and don't yell in public because it's rude" Seto explained.

"Don't you see her eyes? She's using her ability. Are you using it on us? "Kano questioned.

"Yes I'm using it on you guys." kido Answered with a frustrated sigh. "well let's go if we want to make it" they ran to their apartment.

At the apartment, they all go in their room and get ready before the rest of the Mekakushi-danget there. Seto comes out of his room with a green yukata and starts to make the rice.

Kido comes out of her room with a dark purple kimono and kano says "nice outfit is that the one I bought you during summer?"

"Oh yeah" while almost spilling his water "yeah the last time I wore this....was the summer festival? And nice kimono yourself." Seto said.

Kano comes out with a black Designed yukata. A knock is knocked at the door Kano walks over to the door and says "c'mon in" Ayano, Shintaro, Momo, Mary, Ene, Hibiya, Konoha come into the apartment.

"Wow the rice smells wonderful," said Mary Seto blushed "Thank you, Mary," he said, trying to hide his face from the Mekakushi-Dan.

"What's wrong?" Mary said with compassion"

He looked up and then said "nothing's wrong it just feels like I'm kinda frustrated with the sushi... Okay, the sushi is done!"

they all sat down and ate. The Mekakushi-Dan dared Kido to put a lot of wasabi on her piece of sushi And took a big bite. A couple of seconds later she was tearing up and turning red. Hibiya wanted to try to so he did and spat out the sushi and started to cough. The night ended with everyone laughing and having a joyous time.

Mary then said "Thank you, tonight was fun and every Memorable" everyone left with a smile on their face and a warm feeling not just from the wasabi but from the fun time they had. Kido, Kano, and Seto cleaned up and got ready for the night.

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