Chapter 3: As Stars Reunite

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     Avrielle woke up, she paused for a moment. She sighed and looked up at the windows, her eyes being unadjusted to the sudden burst of light. Avrielle yawned, standing up and walking into the bathroom as she prepared herself, getting her hair fixed, her makeup on, her clothes on, and then she walked over to the kitchen. She grabbed herself a pre-made bowl of fruit and began to eat it, humming as she got her purse and walked outside. Though there was a pang of sadness in her heart, she went on, feeling hopeless. Women were supposed to have rights, so why didn't she? She was a woman just like all of the others that she saw in stores and restaurants, so why was a it different for her to be hired? It now didn't particularly bother her, she was fine and that was it. Besides, she remembered that she had a meetup to attend to. 

     Before she went to the place she had met Fritz. As she walked down the now calm sidewalks and threw away her now empty plastic container of fruit, she made a stop at the local grocery store. She knew a park that was nearby where they had met, so she thought she'd offer to take him there, to eat. She bought bread, an avocado spread, fruit, veggies, and some lunchmeat. She checked out at the store and sighed, knowing just that trip alone would and probably did cost her. She kept her hopes up high, walking over to where she had met him, then she waited, holding the bag full of groceries as she remembered exactly where she had stood.

     Just as she was beginning to doubt Fritz's ability to remember, there he came, his hair damp, his scent clean and fresh, and he seemed to be wearing a black pullover and grey dress pants. She held her breath as he walked up to her, seemingly out of breath as he held a bag in his hands. She didn't question it, and as he approached, she smiled and greeted him,

"Hallo, Fritz!"

     She felt a bit embarrassed, feeling as if she had messed up the accent. Just then, Fritz greeted her back, smiling tiredly in return and replying,

"Guten Morgen, Avrielle! How are you?"

     She felt a flutter in her heart as she couldn't help but give in and smile. She tried to fight the grin tugging at the corner of her lips, and alas she was unsuccessful. 


     Avrielle hummed happily.

"How are you?"

     She now just held the bag of goods in both hands, trying to correct her posture as to not seem or look any kind of unprofessional. Because if women can't be women, then she may as well act as if she had some class. And she did, actually. She recalled her time in court with her mother and father, she was fortunate to have gotten the permission from them to try out this normal lifestyle, because otherwise, it wasn't permitted. 

"Hm.. Good. Thank you for asking,"

     he replied, looking down towards the ground sheepishly before glancing back up at her with a smile. Avrielle then acted once more on impulse, holding the bag up and finding herself uttering out the words,

"Would you have enough time for a picnic, Kleinen?"

     She spoke with a giggle in her voice, it hid the fact that she was attempting to spare them the awkwardness of standing there and spurring over words to say and stale conversations to begin. Fritz looked up, meeting her soft glance with a distant yet tender gaze as he mustered a small smile, his freckled cheeks burning as he replied,


     he hesitated, dragging his voice as he sounded a degree of nervous. Avrielle could feel her heart sink in regret. She felt as if her impulses had damned her again, as if she had just embarrassed herself and lost the respect of the first and only real person who had even considered her as a woman with a personality. As she silently sunk in her spot, upholding her now nervous smile, Fritz held up his own bag, which she now could see that it consisted of a blanket, a basket, and some food and drinks. 

"...I was about to ask you the same thing!"

     She could feel the weight of her dodgy decision flying off of her shoulders as her heart began beating a bit more leniently. She took a deep breath in, feeling her cheeks as they grew red and she smiled. She and Fritz both put their arms and bags down almost at the same time, Avrielle grinning and replying,

"I'd adore that! To the park just a few blocks away then?"

     Fritz smiled, nodding as he put the bag around his shoulder. 

"To the park a few blocks away! Shall I lead the way?"

     Fritz asked, now heightening his voice in a way that was audible and somewhat confident. This surprised Avrielle, and unlike the fantasies of these scenarios in her dreams, she replied,

"You shall."

     Avrielle then did a curtsy, smiling at him as she stepped behind. As Fritz began walking, she did too. Eventually, she had mustered little courage and sped up to walk beside him, almost perfectly matching his strides. She could feel him glancing over at her and then towards the pavement in front of them, and she was unaware if that was a good sign or a bad one. 


     Fritz began, sticking his hands in his pockets and holding the bag's handles within his left. 

"Avrielle, was it?"

     Avriella smiled and giggled a small bit, mostly to herself as she cleared her throat and replied with,

"Mhm. Or Avriella, but some call me Avri."

     Fritz nodded with these words, then looked as if he were thinking for a moment. He didn't know which to call her, each and every name seemed beautiful and unique to him, he felt as if his name was bland and normal.

"Avri, huh? Well, that's a rather nice name. Buuut, I suppose it fits you, from what I know so far,"

     Fritz said with a smile-like grin. Avrielle looked over at Fritz and had a dramatic surprised look on her face, then she gently and playfully hit him on the shoulder. 

"Well, I think Fritz is fitting, I don't know how, though..."

     Fritz looked over at Avriella, now noticing the smirk on her face as she continued,

"...But you know what they say, never judge a book by it's cover!"

     Fritz chuckled, eventually reaching a palatable hill as he gestured to it. 

"Shall we?"

     Fritz asked with a chuckle in his voice, his eyes glistening with humor and excitement. Avrielle smiled, nodding as she took his arm in a friendly yet bold manner. She looked back at him with a genuine look of happiness, replying,

"We shall."


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