Chapter 2-Noah

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Noah walked out into the canteen and lunchrooms and saw Olivia reading her lunch table all by herself waiting for Rose to get her lunch and sit down next to her. Noah walks over to his lunch table where Mason, Lea Noah's girlfriend, and some of his other friends. He sits down next to Lea and Mason "How was your guy's first half" "Good" Lea says as she scrolls through her phone not even looking up at Noah, Noah turns to look over at Mason as he lifts his eyebrows knowing that that would hurt Noah's feeling that she wasn't listening to him or that she didn't even ask him back "it was good" Mason says "what about yours" he says a tiny bit louder just to hint to Lea that she did something wrong.

Then the worst thing that you can expect to happen happened, the scariest thing that could happen, something that parents are most scared of when they send their kid to school a gunshot went off. Everyone stayed silent looking across the room. Noah looked at Mason and then at Olivia looking at Rose and Rose looked back at Olivia. Then the second gunshot went off then the school red alert went off as everyone got up and bolted to the door. Noah started running with Mason, Lea and his other friends were together. Noah was running until he stopped Mason then stopping as well, Noah looked around finding Olivia standing at the table looking for Rose. "OLIVIA!" Noah says as he runs toward Olivia and grabs her down "what's wrong with you, we got to go" Noah screams at her "Rose, sh– she was just there I-I don't know where she went" Olivia said stuttering, Olivia normally didn't stutter because she was so good with her words. Noah looked at Olivia about to say something and then Mason buds in and says "We got to go", Noah grabs onto Olivia's wrist tightly and runs into the English room where Ms. Front was in there locking windows and closing blinds, She pokes her head out the door after us then looks around to see an empty hallway then locks the door and turns to everyone counts us all and then turns off the lights "we are going to have to stay very quiet" she says whispering. There was a few other students in the room but no one that Noah knew it was only Mason and Olivia that Noah knew. Olivia's hand was shaking the one that Noah had a hard grip on then he let go forgetting that he was holding it, Noah looked over at Olivia to see that most of her body was shaking in fear "hey, hey it's going to be okay" Noah says putting his arms around her "she is properly in a different room" Mason says putting his hand on her shoulder as Olivia nods.

It had been about three minutes since the second bullet went off and it was confirmed that there was a shooter in the school and confirmed that the police were on the way and our parents will be notified. Then Olivia's whole body jolts as the sound of bullets go off ten, twenty then thirty the noise was so close. Noah and Mason were looking over at each other just staring thinking that this would be the last time they might get to see each other or anyone else. Noah noticed Olivia was crying, quietly he places his head on top of hers as she squeezes his arms digging her nails in but he didn't care if it hurt because it was feeling, he was still able to feel, and feeling her might be the last thing that he might ever feel. Then more bullets go off, then more, then more coming closer and closers in five minutes always thinking that the door would fly open and we would all be shot. Then we all heard sirens the police were final here Noah was looking at Mason smiling with relief as the shooter is most likely caught by now and they could all go home safe but no then a round of bullets went off as Ms. Fount did one of the smartest moves ever, she slowly walked over to the window and slowly and quietly grabs the hand of the closes student near her and helped them out the window, then grab the next, then next and then grabs Olivia and helps her out the window and then Mason. Noah was the last out the window since he wouldn't leave before the teacher. Noah quickly finds Olivia and Mason and then gives them a group hug "we're safe, were safe" Noah says smiling. Olivia smiles then it turns into a frown while she lays back in the police car waiting for the next bunch of kids to come out. "It will be ok," Mason says "yeah, I hope so," Olivia says, faking a smile at Mason.

A few moments later it was announced that the shooter had shot himself dying on the scene, after that announcement hundreds of policemen went running into the school pulling kids out. Noah stands next to Olivia as she waits nervously then a hug from the side comes to him "oh my god you're okay" He says as he hugs Lea "yeah there- there are so so many" She stops halfway then breaks into tears "did you see Rose" Olivia cuts in "she was in the library with me" Lea says crying "where is she now" Olivia says nervously "she was on the other side with Riley, then we got separated by him" Lea says looking so sad into Olivia's eyes with a glare that was so uncomforting "him, who's him" Mason asks "the-the shooter" Lea says digging her head into Noah. Noah stood hugging Lea as he was watching Olivia fidget with her hands. "There's Riley," Mason said pointing to Riley whose shirt was once white and now red with blood not knowing what just happened. Olivia ran over to her "Riley-Riley are you okay" Olivia says giving her a big hug "Where's Rose" Riley shook her head in tears biting her lip, Noah walks up behind Olivia leaving Lea with a policeman to talk about what happened. "Riley! Where is Rose" Olivia said with a firm voice "I am so sorry," Riley's voice said so quietly looking toward the ground not even making eye contact "what, No, No what are you talking about," Olivia's voice said cracking. Noah then stepped in front of Olivia to hug her until she moved her arms to block him 'No, No don't touch me" Olivia said then walked off so fast into the distance that you would never be able to catch her. Noah turned to Mason and shook his head with tears filling them up he hugged Riley and then walked her over to Mason "I am so sorry Riley" Mason said hugging Riley, Riley didn't say much but who would expect her to talk after what she just went through.  

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