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The dull looking halls of what they now quickly called a 'Star Destroyer' welcomed Cain in a cold embrace, matching how he felt. Hollow, lifeless, like all meaning has been taken from his life. But he can't give up. He needs to look out for Ulari, especially when they're in this unforgiving place.

A lightsaber with bright red kyber crystals hung on his hip, the black double ended hilt matching the dark uniform the Inquisitors were forced to wear. Ulari followed him in a similar uniform, the lightsaber she wore on her back identical to his. Every Inquisitor blade was the same, and unless you put a little personal touch to yours, there was no distinguishing them apart.

Cain's new comm crackled. He liked that it didn't ping and the person contacting him could just say what they wanted and be on with their business.

"Grand Inquisitor, there is reports of a Jedi Padawan, Caleb Dume, that escaped Clone Force 99 and dead Jedi Depa Billabia's battalion," Celestae's voice said. She insisted to go by Imperial standards and address him by his title rather than his name. He did the same just to spite her and try to get back at the horrible secrets she kept from everyone for years.

Cain sighed and picked up the comm. "What do you want me to do about it, First Sister?" He asked sarcastically.

"Lord Vader requests that you hunt the Jedi scum yourself and Ulari. Get her some frontline experience."

Cain looked at Ulari's terrified face. She's eleven, not twenty. "I can't take her. It's essentially a warzone."

"Try telling Lord Vader that. Here's the coordinates the Padawan was last seen. He says to make sure you kill the kid, as one of the clones from Clone Force 99 let him escape." Cain's miniture datapad at his other hip pinged with the incoming coordinates.

"Fine. What does Lord Vader want me to do if I come across Clone Force 99?"

"The order has been given to anyone who sees them to capture at least one and bring them to Kamino alive. They say the rest will follow."

"Copy that. I'll be on my way now."


Ulari and Cain laid on their stomaches as they observed their snowy surroundings. There were a few clones and droids littering the place, failed to be properly disposed of. There was no sign of life anywere for as far as they could see.

"I suppose we better get this over with. Follow me," Cain gently instructed, sliding down the hill. Ulari struggled behind him, her not having any experience with this sort of thing.

"Are we really going to kill him?" Ulari quietly asked, her voice slightly cracking.

"I don't know. It's not really right, but we have no choice. We have to follow Lord Vader's orders without question."

Ulari fell quiet. All that could be heard was their footsteps and the soft wind that blew through the tall, snow covered trees. Remains of footsteps were in the snow, telling Cain that they are not too late to track the Jedi down. The two followed them to the edge of a cliff.

Cain crouched down and Force-Jumped over the gaping chasm. Ulari shrunk back from it on the other side.

"I can't do that!" She yelled.

"Try it! I'll catch you if you don't make it!" Cain reassured her, holding out his hands, ready to catch her.

Ulari took a few steps back, then ran and lept. She fell short of the jump by a small amount. Cain caught her and placed her next to him.

"You okay?" Cain asked Ulari as she bit her lip.

"Not really," she admitted.

"I know it can be scary. But doing it is one of the only ways we learn."

Ulari nodded and followed Cain as he tracked the footsteps. They were harder to track since they were much smaller than the clones'.

Cain stopped suddenly as the footprints were becoming near impossible to follow. They were becoming scarce, telling him they had taken to the trees. A rustling and than a thud made Cain draw his lightsaber, both ends of the hilt igniting a blood red blade at each end. Ulari ignited hers and cowered behind Cain. A child, probably in their early to mid teens, ignited his blue lightsaber.

"Why are you following me? And why are your lightsabers red?" The Jedi, Caleb Dume, seethed. Cain hesitated.

"We are Inquisitors. I am the most powerful of the Inquisitors, hence why I am the Grand Inquisitor," Cain replied. He backed up slightly and pushed Ulari gently.

The Jedi's face softened at the gesture. "She can't be an Inquisitor. She's younger than me."

"We can't be the judge of that. Now go," Cain flicked his lightsaber to the side, "or I will be forced to kill you where you stand."

Caleb was unsure he should trust Cain. "How do I know you're not going to stab me in the back?"

"You don't. But this won't be the last time we meet."

Caleb took that answer and turned his heel and ran.

"You let him go? Not that I'm saying we should've killed him, but..." Ulari trailed off.

"I know, I know," Cain said. "We will have to keep tracking him, but we can do that without killing him."


Cain and Ulari returned to their ship just as Cain's comm pinged, again.

"Grand Inquisitor, I request your presence in overseeing a mission executed by Clone Force 99. I want you there so you can give me a full report on what you see," an unfamiliar voice said.

"I'm sorry, but who is this?" Cain asked.

"Governor Tarkin. Are you too busy?"

"No. We can do it. Were do we have to go?"

"Onderon. I will give you the coordinates once you arrive at Kamino. I would like to meet you and the young Inquisitor it is said you have by your side."

"We will be there soon, Governor."

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