Fallen King

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Cater x Malleus

This is set 10 years into the future

King Malleus awoke next to his husband, Cater, the first human king Briar Valley ever had. Mal wished he could stay in bed with his sleeping love, but he had gotten wind that the Sunset Savannah was now under Leona's rule because he had defeated his brother in combat. He didn't think Leona fought fair though, but either way, he had a feeling that Leona was going to attack Briar Valley first. The two former princes had a large argument that led to a full-blown fight back in their last week of their last year at NRC

Cater stirred as Malleus got dressed

"Mal? What time is it?" Malleus turned to face the ginger as he finished buttoning up his undershirt

"It's about 6 in the morning. You can sleep in if you want, I'm just going to check in on the council about the Sunset Savannah's new king" Malleus finished getting dressed and put his crown on. Cater got up as Malleus left

"Have fun Mal!" The dragon chuckled as he walked the halls of the palace to the council room. Silver and Sebek were there with Lilia, worried looks on their faces

"Malleus, good morning" Lilia greeted

"Good morning Lilia. Why do you all look so worried?" Malleus inquired. He didn't like how they all looked around quietly, not answering

"Alright, if you won't answer as my friends, then answer as my subjects. I am your king and I demand your answers" Mal didn't like to use his King card, but it's something he used when no one was taking him seriously

"Well, my King, the Sunset Savannah's armies are approaching us. Our sentries estimate we have a few days or less before they attack. They're being led by their new King...Leona" It was not something Malleus wanted to hear, but he was taken out of his surprise when a knock came to the door. Sebek opened the door to reveal King Cater in his regal clothing, brandishing the crown

"Darling, we don't have actual work to do until later this morning, why are you awake?" Malleus said nervously, but walked over to him and gave his cheek a peck

"I heard about Leona...I want to help. I can fight, no matter how much you all underestimate me because I'm human." Cater said defiantly, pushing past his husband to look at the battle board

"Well then, let's plan for the future battle"


Malleus wasn't struggling too badly, but he was still testing his boundaries with the goons he was fighting. He saw Cater summoning multiple clones, so he didn't think he could get into much harm, but it didn't stop him from trying to get by his husband's side in battle. Leona called to him from across the battlefield

"DRACONIA!!" Malleus looked over and went wide-eyed when he saw Cater's neck in the clutch of the lion king's claw

"Put him down Kingscholar. This is between the two of us, leave Cater out" Malleus did not want to beg to Kingscholar of all people, but his husband's life was literally within the enemy's claws

"Awwww, has the all mighty Malleus Draconia fallen soft for a pathetic human? Sad. But, I came to get a rise out of you and I have" Malleus was inching closer, not liking how Leona chose his words. Next thing the fae king new, Kingscholar drove his sword into Cater's stomach. The ginger spat up blood and Leona dropped him, leaving Malleus to run to his lover's side. Thankfully, Lilia and Sebek, plus some guards, had driven out the invaders

"Cater...Cater! Don't go, stay with me! Please, Cater..." Malleus didn't know how to process this; he was applying pressure to the stab wound and Cater was trying to focus on his breathing, though both were looking at each other

"Mal, hey....hey it's gonna be ok..." Cater spat up more blood, which made the dragon worry even more. Some medics were brought over and the human king was quickly taken away to be examined and healed. Malleus was left still sitting on the ground, staring, as he held back his tears. Silver came up behind him and gave his brother-not-actually-his-brother a hug

"Mal, it's ok to cry" the king gave out a few choked up sobs then started to thoroughly cry with his face in his hands

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