Chapter 5

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"Erica there gone... for now. Come on let get you to a doctor." Erica was feeling better. "Come on." Rap Monster picked her up. They made it to the front desk. "Is there an on call doctor we can see about a pregnancy?" Erica was scared to hear that word.

"Yeah follow me." She brought Erica and Rap Monster in this semi tiny room it had pregnant women on posters with baby's it them. There were figures inside the stomach where the baby sits.

"Rap Monster please get me out..."

"Hi are you Erica?"


"And this must be the father."

"No, I'm not, unfortunately the father is in a coma that's actually why we are here but we thought we get this checked."

"Was he the one from that big car accident?"

"Yes, I was with him and five others."

"Oh my I'm sorry, well let's get this over with." Erica took the test Rap Monster sitting beside her.

"What do you think is going to happen if I am? And what if J-Hope doesn't."

"Don't go there he will be fine he is strong." He grabbed Erica's hand. The doctor came back into the room without any warning she says.

"Okay Erica, you are pregnant, how did you just find out about this?"


"You are about a month along."

"I am not sure, I was feeling great then recently I started throwing up." Erica's breathing got heavier.

"Are you okay?" The doctor asked

"I'll be honest, I'm straight up scared... But I'm so happy."

"What?" Rap Monster questioned "you are?"

"Yeah, I'm having this baby with the man I love."

"I'll give you two a moment." The doctor left the room Erica's eye's filled with tears.

"God please do me this one favor, please heal my love so he can be here for this wonderful news."

"Erica!!!" Jimin yelled as he was running down the hall.

"In here!" Erica yelled Jimin spotted them.

"What... Are you guys doing in here?" Erica didn't want to tell anyone until J-Hope woke up but there was no point in hiding it now.

"Never mind that what did you want?" Rap Monster said before Erica could say anything.

"I just was afraid something happened to you when you guys didn't return."

"Jimin I'm fine, is Hobi okay?"

"He's fine there was no change yet." Erica got dressed and left the room with Rap Mon and Jimin into Suga's room. He lie there still.

"Did anyone call Laura?" Laura was Suga's girlfriend

(Last year in August)

Laura came to visit Erica and Nicole in Seoul for her birthday. She new that Erica was dating J-Hope. She as well part of the Army she has been dying to meet Suga.

"Laura!" Erica ran over to Laura holding her to the point of suffocation.

"Erica.. air."

"Oh sorry, my god I'm so glad you could come. Come in." Laura entered Erica's apartment. "Okay this is J-Hope,Suga,Rap Monster,V,Jimin,Jin,and JungKook."

Lost HopeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ