Slowly Falling Apart...

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Izuku woke up in a hospital bed, tired, drained, and confused. Was it all a dream? Where is Kacchan? Why am I here, what is here? A hospital bed?! The green-haired hero's mind ran wild until he felt a familiar hand tap him. Greens eyes quickly locked on to red. Katsuki looked tired and worried which made Izuku start to tear up as he blabbered apologies to the blonde.

"Izuku why the fuck are you apologizing?" Bakugou finally spoke.

"B-because I lied and I made you waste your time and energy because I didn't care and I got too emotional and-" Midoryia blabbered on as he cried before getting cut off by Bakugou hugging him.
"What are you doing Kacchan? Aren't you mad? Or upset?" Izuku questioned.

"Just shut up and calm down, we'll talk when your out of the hospital." The blonde said. "You lost a lot of blood and the doctors also wanted to check up on your mental state so we'll be here for a while." Katsuki let go of Midoryia and didn't say a word after that, only trying to hide his face with his phone, refusing to try to talk to his boyfriend and become a crying mess in front of their friends that were just coming in to visit Izuku.

"MIDORYIA MY FRIEND! YOUR AWAKE!" Ida yelled in joy.

"Hi Midoryia how have you been?" Todoroki smiled.

"Problem child, long time no see. How you've been?" Aizawa surprisingly entered.

"Midoryia-kun your awake!" Asui smiled as well.

"Hi guys! I'm good, I can't believe you came aren't you guys busy today? I hope I'm not interrupting anything-"

"Oh don't worry so much Midobro! All that matters is that your ok!" Kirishima smiled as he entered.

"Besides we've been doing this since high school so why stop now?" Mineta chuckled as he entered with a watermelon in his arms, a gift for the injured hero. Izuku laughed and smiled at the words and gift.

The friends talked for a while before Todoroki asked the question that everyone was too scared to ask.

"Midoryia we heard about what happened, and if you don't mind me asking, why?" Shoto asked, trying not to make Midoryia nervous or uncomfortable.

"Oh..." Izuku trailed off.

"Actually never mind, it's a stupid question to ask right now, I apologize for asking." Todoroki quickly realized and apologized.

"No don't say that Todoroki-kun! It's fine to ask I just don't really want to talk about it." The injured hero explained.

"Ok I hope you get better I have to run over to my agency now, sorry to leave so soon." Shoto apologized and left. Soon after the rest of Izuku's friends left for work, leaving Katsuki and Izuku alone once again. They sat in silence until Midoryia finally spoke up.

"How's the quirk doing?" He said, talking about the heat quirk Katsuki got hit with that made him feel uncomfortably warm 24/7.

"It's gone, or at least I don't feel it anymore." The blonde said, not looking up from his phone.

"Oh that's good. Means you have a paid 3 day vacation!" Izuku smiled, trying to lighten the mood. Sadly though his efforts were in vain.

"Why?" Katsuki asked bluntly. Izuku stayed silent, trying to dodge the question.

"W-why?" The blonde's voice cracked and Izuku could see that he was hiding his face with a magazine. Stray tears dropped to Bakugou's lap.

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't you dare say your sorry damn it! It's my fucking fault!" Katsuki admitted.

"What do you even mean?"

"When I first hear you muttering in that damn bathroom I should have kicked the damn door open! Now your in a fucking hospital bed! DAMN IT!"
The blonde cried. The injured man froze in fear and guilt, feeling as if he was about to throw up or pass out.

"You heard? You weren't supposed to hear that, I'm sorry-" The blonde ran out of the room, leaving Izuku all alone in the deadly silent hospital room. A concerned nurse came into the room to see a crying boy.

"May I ask what happened? A blonde man ran out crying, the explosion hero, Dynamite I believe." The worried nurse spoke.

"Please go, I don't want to speak about it." Izuku stated.

"Understood." The nurse said as she exited the room. Izuku started muttering to himself.

Dose this mean he hates me now? Are we not a thing anymore?! Of course I had to fuck things up as soon as I felt the happiest I have in years. I made him feel horrible. I'm horrible.
Kacchan is going leave too, isn't he?

Please don't leave, i can't take it anymore.
So many people have left me and your the only one who's stayed for this long, so don't leave yet...

(つ .•́ _ʖ •̀.)つ -Sorry I've been dead for a while, my pet fish drowned and my pet rock got food poisoning.

Also I'm gunna make a Bakugou x Ockaco book because I kinda like the ship but I don't have too many ideas for it so feel free to comment some ideas!

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