Chapter 1

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Ok so this is my first time ever writing anything, so im sorry if its bad, but im trying really hard and hopefully people like it. 

Simons Pov 

It's dark. And I feel so weak since I haven't eaten in days. Well, it feels like it's been weeks, but I think it's only been days. I'm not actually sure how long I've been here. I had just arrived at the airport and had been filled with excitement that I was so close to Watford, the only place I can call home. But during my excitement I failed to notice the numpties following me until it was too late, and a bag had been thrown over my head and they knocked me out. The next thing I knew I was here. At first I thought I was just in a normal box, but after being here and feeling around for a while, I've realised I'm in a coffin. I can't see anything and the space is so small and it feels as though I'll be crushed any second by the walls all around me. some kind of really powerfull spell must be on me cause I cant go off. Of course the only time i actually want to go off, I can't. I'm trying to distract myself with the thought that someone will come and save me. Surely the mage and Penelope are looking for me, casting all kinds of finding spells, to get to me. And once they do, Baz will finally be exposed. This has to be his doing. Who else would've done this?! And I'm in a coffin for crowleys sake! Everyone will finally realise that what I've been saying for years is true. Baz is a vampire. I'm thinking about the look that will be on his annoyingly handsome face when he realises that I'm alive, and all his plotting was for nothing, as I drift off to sleep. 

Baz's POV

It can't be true. I never even got to tell him I love him. He'll go on forever thinking of e as his enemy that he was stuck with for a roommate, for seven years. His enemy the vampire. The monster. But I don't believe this. Even though Simon is basically the mages puppet, there's no way he'd leave Watford without a fight. He loved it here. He wouldn't have left without a goodbye. Well not to me seeing as he hates me of course, but he would have said goodbye to Bunce. And she agrees. "He's lying!" She basically screeches at me as we make our way to Mummers. "I obviously know that, I'm the one who decided we should make a truce, so we can find him, why are you yelling at me?" I roll my eyes at her as I unlock the door. Once we're inside I grab the blackboard that I took from Ms Possibelfs room, and some chalk. We need to come up with a plan to save Simon. Nobody else is looking because the mage told everyone that the chosen ones been sent elsewhere to finish his magic studies, safely hidden away from the humdrum, until he's ready to defeat it. And everyone has accepted that as the truth. But i know better. And I know that Simon must be somewhere lost, scared, and alone right now. And I'm going to save him. And then I'm gonna stop wasting time, and tell him I love him. 

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