Before We Start

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hello to whoever has decided to read this, you can call me Beanie.

This is my first fanfiction in years, so I apologize if this story will seem half-assed at times (I was once at my peak but now I have fallen from grace o7)

I want to clarify some things in case anyone is confused, either due to a lack of things from canon DMSP or new additions in this story

This is an AU me and my friends made, based on a RP we did. Currently, it is not active, so the story's second half will be solely thought out by me.

There will be plotlines and characters from canon DMSP that will be excluded here, such as the Disc Saga, Eggpire, Mexican Dream & Mamacita, Eret, and anyone who has appeared after Tommy's exile.

This story will not continue for long, and there will be quite a few timeskips, I'm sorry.

I'm not even sure if I'll remember to finish this, since this is just for funsies and I don't expect a large audience to read this.

I'm also not really into DSMP anymore, but I thought this would be fun to put into a fanfiction format.

Alright, with all that aside, please enjoy this book.


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