Chapter 1: A New Country Blooms Into The World

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It's only been a few weeks, yet civilians were already rebuilding what the war of independence destroyed. Although there was still much work to be done, everything, for now, was at peace. The people were happy, even celebrating their freedom at taverns and other such shops.

Wilbur was walking down the prime path, the sacred road of the Holy Church. He wasn't particularly religious, but many of the people were believers of Prime, and who was he to dictate their beliefs? 

After a bit more walking, Wilbur sat on a bench built on a high cliff. The cliff overlooked L'Manberg, you could see the glowing lanterns hanging above throughout the nation and people still bustling about on the streets despite it being rather late..well, to Wilbur anyways. Down there, it was probably loud with people crowding the streets and the music that would be playing in the restaurants and sidewalks where street performers would sing for some pocket cash. Up where Wilbur was, it was quiet, peaceful. A wind blew through the tree hanging above making the leaves rustle. He took it all in, the fresh air and the warm lights below.

"Wilburr, are you here?!" a voice called out from a distance. Wilbur turned to the direction of the noise, a smile on his face once he recognized 2 familiar faces in the moonlight.

"Hello Tommy and Tubbo, what are you two doing up here? I thought you decided to go down to spend time in the markets?" Wilbur cocked his head to the side, his eyebrows raised

Tubbo replied with a sheepish grin "Weell, Tommy was fighting with a shopkeeper and we got chased off."

"I would've thrown hands with him if there weren't so many people outside! But I'm a BIG MAN so I have to be a good role model!" Tommy crossed his arms and huffed, puffing out his chest to seem intimidating

The young goat elbowed the loud blonde before laughing "Sure Tommy, you just didn't want to get beat up by a 7ft tall butcher with a cleaver in his hand."

"nO I DID NOT!-"

"Alright you two, knock it off." Wilbur interjected, chuckling. "We've had enough fighting, so let's just relax, alright?"

"Fine fine, but only 'cos you make a good point. I'm exhausted!" Tommy plopped himself onto the bench, looking up into the sky, mesmerized by the stars. Tubbo had sat on the bench as well, looking down at the nation and its warm and bustling state.

Wilbur had his eyes closed, his head leaning back against the edge of the bench. "The wind..the silence, I can finally hear it so clearly now. I hope for every day to be like this, everyone happy and thriving on our land..don't you both agree?"

Tommy and Tubbo nodded in agreement to this, the moonlight illuminating their faces of determination. Wilbur, though having a smile on his face, was full of regret seeing the scars on the duo's limbs and faces.

"I'm..sorry for not apologizing earlier about this but, I regret having you two involved in the war. I should've protected you from Dream and his supporters, and for Prime's sake you both were- are just children! I-" Wilbur ranted on about his regrets until he was cut off by Tommy.

"Blah blah blah, oh i'm Wiblur and i'm so sad, i'm such a little emo boy 😭. C'mon big man, there's nothing to apologize for! Me and Tubbo care for this place, so why would we just hide and do nothing?" 

The aformentioned goat boy nodded, "Tommy's right; even if you actively tried to hide us, we would still find a way to escape! L'Manberg is our home, and the home to many other people too. Everyone here fought for our freedom, and we should not be any different."

"..You're right, this country was supposed to be defended, and you two did very well. But still I want to repay you both-" Wilbur again, was cut off on his rant by the blonde haired boy

"Don't worry about it big man! Let's just enjoy tonight, that's plenty payment! After all, you just said say to relax, right?" He said, elbowing the taller British man.

Tubbo added "I heard there's a restaurant near Niki's house I think you'd like Wilbur, want to go now?"

Realizing he hasn't eaten anything and was very hungry, Wilbur gave a smile, wiping something from his eyes, "Sure, that sounds great."

As the three walked down to the city, conversing about their day and cracking jokes, the wind blew behind them hard, as if it was rushing. Wilbur looked back for a second, briefly seeing red in the corner of his eye.

"Wilbur? Are you alright?" Tubbo asked, tilting his head with his eyebrow raised

"Strange..I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye."

"Hm, it's probably just a squirrel or some bug." The goat boy shrugged.

The uneasy feeling though, lingered in the back of Wilbur's mind. But oh well, for now let's us relax.


As the night went on, Tommy, Tubbo, and Wilbur hung out in the city, the night seemingly going on forever as laughter and communal unity rang high in the air. Wilbur was even recognized in the restaurant they went to, and was cheered on to peform on the location's stage.

All was going well..but caught in all the celabration and excitement, nobody was on guard.

And thus, came the first victim.


Alright, so first chapter is done! I'm excited to write what comes next, but I would like some feedback for my first chapter.

I hope y'all are having a good morning/afternoon/evening :)


867 Words, 9/21/22

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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