Chapter 5

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All the good tribes went into the forest and stop to take a break. Lagravis then went to talk to Eris's dad and Cragger's dad.

(Lagravis POV)
"What is the meaning of this Lagravis?" Crominus said "yeah" Ewald said "he's back" I said "who?" Ewald said "Fangs" I said in a serious tone. The both looked at me with consern "I thought we trapped him in that ice, how did he escape?" Crominus said "he somehow got his hands on some chi" I said "so did your son know?" Ewald said "no and your kids dirent know too" I said "when will we tell them?" Crominus said "we will tell them when they see the light temple" I said.

(Laval POV)
We walked on a strange path that I never seen before. After walking for a couple of hours I fell to the ground in pain Li'Ella then picked me up "I'm okay" I said. Eris then saw me leaning on Li'Ella's shoulder she then came to see me "are you okay Laval?" Eris said "yeah I'm just in a little pain, it'll go away" I said "are you sure?" She said "yeah I'm fine" I said " remember Fangs did do a number on you" she said.

Laval felt a little better and got off Li'Ella's shoulder Eris fallowed him to see their dad's.

(Eris POV)
Me and Laval went to talk to our dad's we saw then talking about something "hey dad what is the light temple?" Laval said ""yeah what is the light temple" I said " you'll know when we get their" Lagravis said. We started to walk more we walked for hours then we stopped "why are we stopping?" Cragger said "ready" Lagravis said. My dad and Craggers dad nodded Lagravis made a strange roar.

When Lagravis roared all the other tribes went silent just then they herd another roar Lagravis smiled just then 3 stones came out of the ground.

(Laval POV)
When the stones came out of the ground I was a little shocked "follow me" Lagravis said me, Eris, and Cragger got near the stones there were a hole in each of the stones with a handle in them "you, Eris and Cragger turn the handles to the right" Lagravis said "why?" Cragger said "you'll see" Ewald said I walked to the middle stone Eris went to the stone on the right and Cragger went to the stone on the left "all of you turn the handle at the same time" Ewald said.

Laval, Eris, and Cragger turn the handle and the ground started shacking a temple was camping out of the ground. The temple looked like the lion temple they saw other tribes around the temple.

(Lagravis POV)
"Behold the light temple this is where we will stay" I said "I feel like I've been here" Laval said "yeah its place does look familiar" Eris said "Eris, Laval there's some animals well like you to meet" Ewald said "now come on let's look around" Crominus said. We walked up the stairs half way to the top Laval feel to his knees "Laval you need to see the doctor" I said getting him up "its okay I'll be fine" Laval said in pain "your not okay Fangs is one of the most powerful animal I've ever fought your lucky that you unlocked your powers in time" I said "wait what do you mean powers?" Laval said "I'll tell you when you meet her" I said.

Lagravis took Laval into the light temple Eris came along. On the way Laval saw the other tribes they were whispering to each other and pointing at them. Lagravis took Laval in a room were a strange animal was standing.

(Laval POV)
My dad took me into a room where I saw a strange animal standing it looked like a lion and an eagle "Grayson I need your help" Lagravis said "what's the mater Lagravis?" He said " Laval, he was fighting Fangs" Lagravis said "Fangs? I though you defeated him" Grayson said "he escaped now he has the lion temple" Lagravis said placing me on a chair. Grayson then saw Eris standing in the door way "oh and this must be Ewald's daughter, so do they know?" he said "no I'll tell them when they meet them so can you heal him" Lagravis said "yeah give me a sec" he said reaching for something.

Grayson gave Laval a strange glass of water. Laval drank the water in seconds he felt better Lagravis then took him and Eris to meet some animals.

(Eris POV)
Lagravis took us in a room and saw a pool of chi but the chi was white and the water was a light blue. He then took us to the throne room where we saw three stones in a circle with ancient writing on the sides and in the middle where three blue and white chi. "Come theirs someone I'll like you to meet Laval you too Eris" he said we where heading to the throne I saw someone standing in front of the throne she looked like a lion but had eagle wings. She looked at us then she looked at Lagravis "its been a while Lagravis" she said "its nice to see you Grace" he said with a smile she then looked at us "who are you?" Laval said just then someone came in the room it was an eagle she looked at me and smiled. She ran up to me and hugged me "Laval, Eris these are you mom's" LaGravis said which shocked me and Laval "WHAT" both of us said at the same time.

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