Wedding day

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Today was the happiest day of his life. Today was his wedding day. His friends were dolling him up and putting his makeup on. A soft silence filled the car as his phone started going off.

[ so sorry dude]

[do you need anything i know this is hard]

[she's a lying bitch, he'll find a way back]

Today was supposed to be the happiest day of his life. But because of one woman it was all gone.


She was all over the headlines. If only they knew.
Izuku was a child actor, same as Katsuki the two were constantly paired together. They were amazing friends and in their teen years became even more.

After izuku presented katsuki stepped in to help keep him safe, the two had a bond the media fell in love with. "Protective childhood best friend protects omegan friend!" and "long time friends share details about secret love life! Turn to page 94 for..."

They were happy and perfect together. And at only 17 got engaged.

Then she came.

Camie Utsushimi. She was a model. Had been since she was a kid. Sometime during her childhood she met Katsuki and her parents promised to pair her with him one day unknowing of izuku's existence.

As soon as she heard about the engagement she went crazy. Starting rumors and doing fake interviews. She was telling people that she and Katsuki had been together for quite some time and that Izuku had weaseled his way into Katsuki's life.

All the negative attention turned people against izuku and katsuki's relationship. Then the call came.

"Either you marry me or kiss your careers goodbye!"

Their careers were their lives. Izuku and Katsuki both spent years getting to where they were. They didn't have anything else.

"I'll figure something out! She wont do this to you." Katsuki yelled.

After that conversation, Izuku didn't see Katsuki again. And only a month later a date was set for him to marry camie.

That was 3 months ago. In that time izuku clung to Katsuki's mother seeing his own was no longer around. And now he's heading to see Katsuki one final time before he leaves for good.

The paparazzi went insane as he pulled up in a limo with a large entourage in tow.

Mina Ashido, one of Katsuki's best friends, stood on his left face stone cold and head high. The actress who was normally bright and bubbly walked with her hand on her friend's shoulder terrifying the paparazzi with her glares. On his left was momo yaoyorozu she was a major name in both fashion and in acting having designed outfits and made them herself for major movies some of which she starred in.

With his leading ladies right beside him he had all the confidence in the world. The others behind him helped as well. Kirishima stood tall as the mountain man he was was kinda scary with his face turned down in a pissed off position.

Kaminari trailed right behind followed by shoto, shinso, sero, and jirou.

Without a word he walked to the doors of the chapel and everything stopped.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Camie shreaked.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" another woman, thought to be camie's mother yelled.

Izuku continued to say nothing as he walked up the aisle, only Mina walking with him.

In his head izuku is walking to a tearful katsuki, in his wedding dress with his mother walking him down. In reality he's walking in a black floor length dress to a crying katsuki with his mother long gone.

Walking up to the altar he plants a kiss to katsuki's cheek and speaks.

"What does it matter? It's already done. Now I've got to be there for our son. Its over isnt it? Isn't it over?" he then turns to camie "its over isnt it? Isn't it over! You won! And he chose you! And he'll love you! And I'm gone. It's over isn't it? Why can't I move on?"

And with that mina takes his hand and leads him away.

Katsuki's friends just stand at the end of the aisle with silent tears in their eyes as they lead Izuku away. Katsuki's own mother and father got up from their seats to walk away from the wedding with the poor boy.

As the doors to the chapel shut the few guests at the wedding could both hear and see the way Katsuki's heart shattered.

[ Should I continue? ]

Wedding dayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang