''How It All Started''

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''Roy, we can't do this,'' i said quietly, moving his hand off my waist. 

''why not, Ronnie?'' he said, biting my earlobe a bit. ''mmng~ b-because, we don't like each other like that-'' however, i wasn't able to finish. He silenced me with a passionate but fierce kiss. 

        ''Loren, you awake?'' i heard his voice, i came back to reality. seeing Roy waving his hand in front of my eyes. ''h-huh?'' i say, looking at him. ''you were daydreaming again, weren't you?'' he asked, looking at me with a concerned frown. i didn't answer, just nod and look at my hands. i then unconsciously rubbed the top of my ear, where i could've sworn that he bit it. but maybe i was just imagining things again. 

  ''i was thinking,'' Roy said, snapping me out of my thoughts once again. ''For summer this year, what do you plan to do?'' he asked me, leaning back onto the school's wall. 

''not sure.'' i say. ''well,'' he begins. ''i know what I'm doing. My mom is taking me and Leo to the Romhumuda Campsite when school ends.'' Romhumuda is a sort of rich people's camp on the outskirts on Damral. here in Colorado we don't really have that many Camp grounds, so this one is always packed.  

''I'm surprised your mom managed to book a spot there,'' i say, fiddling with my thumbs. he sighs and looks around at all the horned-up teenagers who were going to probably kill themselves mentally this summer, then looked back at me. 

''she said i could bring a friend,'' he told me. ''would you like to go?'' i felt my cheeks get a bit warm, but i just brushed it off and thought it was the heat that caused it. ''i mean,'' i say. ''i have nothing to do this summer. so... i guess, sure?'' he smiled and closed his eyes. he wasn't asleep, just laying there. thinking. i admired him so much. as a friend, though. i had feelings for another boy at the time, and Roy knew this. i had a feeling that Roy liked a boy who was friends with us as well, a boy named Seth. i was in love with a tall blondie, Felix. but i didn't have the heart to confess to him. 

I felt Roy's hand graze over mine, feeling that hot burn on my cheeks again, i calmly and quickly moved it away from mine. leaving a small scratch on his hand from my black painted fingernails. 

He opened his eyes when the final bell rang, and i grabbed my backpack which was sitting next to my leg, and got up from the bench. Roy didn't bring his backpack to school that day, since he had forgot it in his room when he left. i ended up scolding him for it during math class, when we were supposed to use our notebooks, and he hadn't his.

we got out of the school campus, on the sidewalk i heard him humming. i usually hate other people humming or whistling, but for him i can handle it. 

We reached his house. not a huge one, just a regular suburban home. one that you would see in sitcoms. He waved goodbye, and winked at me, heading inside. 

i got to my place, a small thin apartment. somewhat like the home in Full House. but more run down and grittier. there isn't much inside, just a small living room. a small two person couch, a medium sized smart TV, an old rug, the kitchen next to it, and my bedroom and bathroom upstairs. 

my bedroom has a green bed, with purple and orange pillows. a closet to the right, one of those small old box TV's that only have news channel and VHS, a small desk for writing, with a laptop on it, and a small easel for painting. nothing too special. 

yes, i live alone. When i turned 15 i had sold some paintings and saved up enough to buy a small run down apartment for about 300 a month. I'm 16 now, been a whole year since i claimed this place as my home. My parents left me when i was 6, so i never had parental figures. i spent most of my time in the foster care system, going from family to family, from town to town. until i came back to my hometown, Damral. nobody else would take me in since i was already older than most of the other kids. so i left, they didn't even care. 

i stayed with Roy's family for a few years, even spent a few months with Felix. but i knew i was a bit of a burden to their families. 

living alone is awesome sometimes, even if I'm alone, I'm not technically alone. got the voices in my head, the old stuffed toys that i forget to throw away every day, and the deep immense sound of silence. 

just a normal, average life, right? 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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