Vance head cannons

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A/n how I think it's like dating him


Has a ED


Mamas boy

Smells like axe spray

Messy room

When u try to take a pic of him he shoves the phone away from his face

Anger issues like if u 2 live together u will have holes in the walls 24/7

High pda level

Snores LOUD

if u sleep in the same bed as him u always have him either kick u in his sleep or push u off

Big chocolate fan

Calls u hoe often as a joke ofc🤨

His Neighbors hate him bc he blasts music at 2 am and gets the cops called as a noise complaint

Very jelly

Hair routine

Has 2 broken brushes in the bathroom from his hair being tangled bc he forgot to brush it for 4 days

Always arm around ur shoulder when ur out

Ur dad doesn't like him (sorry if u don't got one them pretend ur mom doesn't)

Once u 2 got I'm a argument and kinda hit u (not 2 hard) but as soon as he did it he felt horrible like REALLY horrible that he cried

U 2 smoking at 1 am at a park

(Didn't I'm this book but) When he went missing his
Mother was crying & begging to the cops an repeatedly saying
"no no he is a good boy you don't understand he is very sweet even tho he has problems.. please find him."

When he went missing the cops were relived

His father didn't care that he went missing

His parents are divorced

He has a little sister that slept in his bed for a month while he was missing and she constantly cried for him

Vance was supposed to watch his sister but he went missing so she was left home alone and was very scared

When ur sister was at his dads she would beg him to go look for him and he would push him away


Steals money from ur piggy bank to play pinball

U have to bail him out of jail often

Gets embarrassed when his mom gives him kisses infront of u then u get to tease him after for being embarrassed

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